
lín shí xié dìnɡ
  • interim agreement;provisional agreement;temporary agreement;provisional accord
  1. 朗布依埃协定:科索沃和平与自治临时协定

    Rambouillet Accords : Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo

  2. 欧洲老年、病残和遗族社会安全计划临时协定;

    European interim agreement on social security schemes relating to old age , invalidity and survivors ;

  3. 应明确的是,两岸四地之间签订的自由贸易区临时协定既是符合GATT第24条的成员之间的协定,也是受国际条约规范和调整的一国国内的法律安排。

    It has to be made clear that the provisional agreements on free trade zone to be signed shall comply with Article 24 of GATT , and also with the domestic laws which are regulated and adjusted by the international treaty .

  4. 关于大洋深处事项的临时协定;

    Provisional agreement on matters concerning the great ocean deeps ;

  5. 除了寻求紧急临时协定或公正的调解外,在未经咨询独立鉴定人以前,一方当事人不能对任何争议启动法庭程序或仲裁。

    A party must not commence Court proceedings or arbitration in relation to any dispute unless it has been referred to an Independent Expert , except to seek urgent interim or equitable relief .

  6. 在如何落实去年11月签署的临时核协定上,伊朗已与6大强国达成一致。

    Kerry spoke as Iran and six world powers agreed on how to put in place the terms of last November 's interim nuclear deal .