
  • 网络hardball;interim manager;Hard Ball
  1. 临时教练肯尼达格利什自从回归接管球队以来,由于一系列的后防失误,需要等到他的第四场比赛才取得胜利。

    Caretaker boss Kenny Dalglish had to wait until his fourth game back in charge for a victory due to a clutch of rearguard lapses .

  2. 沃顿从科尔的助教做起,在2015-16赛季前43场比赛中担任了勇士临时主教练。

    Walton got his start from Kerr as an assistant coach and served as interim head coach for the Warriors ' first 43 games of the 2016 season .

  3. 临时的,过渡的;在皮蒂诺辞职之后,球队的助理教练奥布里恩担任临时主教练。

    Celtics assistant Jim O'Brien takes over for Pitino as the interim head coach .