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  • cohesive energy density
  1. 内聚能密度法预测C9-DMP体系的汽液平衡

    Prediction of the VLE for the C_9-DMP System Based on Cohesive Energy Density

  2. 经过对分子运动轨迹数据的分析,计算出不同温度下的无定形模型的内聚能密度(CED),进而计算出溶解度参数.心排血量(CO);

    The solubility parameters derived from the cohesive energy density ( CED ) of each amorphous cell system at different co-melting temperatures were calculated with the molecule modeling analysis module .

  3. 为了评价内聚能密度法的适应性,也用单参数Wilson方程法对相同体系的数据作了预测。

    In order to evaluate the suitability of this method for predictions , these VLE systems were predicted by One-parameter Wilson equation , too .

  4. 结果表明,含氯量越高的CPE其玻璃化转变温度也越高;与分子链间作用力有关的内聚能密度和溶解度参数也越大;

    The results showed that the higher the chlorinity , the higher the Tg temperature of CPE , as well as the cohesive energy density and solubility parameter that had relation to intermolecular force ;

  5. 通过元素分析和DSC测定研究了CPE的含氯量对其玻璃化转变温度、内聚能密度和溶解度参数、以及CPE/磁粉复合材料性能的影响。

    The effect of the content of chlorine in CPE on its glassy change temperature , cohesive energy density , solubility parameter and the physical-mechanical properties of CPE / magnetic powder composite was studied by elementary analysis and DSC .

  6. 然后对JP-10,四环庚烷进行分子动力学模拟,计算了燃料的密度、扩散系数、内聚能密度、冰点及粘度,模拟结果与文献值基本相符。

    After that the density , diffusion coefficient , cohesive energy density , freezing point and viscosity of JP-10 and quadricyclane were simulated . The results show good agreements with literature data .

  7. 聚1,2-丁二烯的内聚能密度和玻璃化温度

    Cohesion energy density and glass transition temperature of 1,2-polybutadienes

  8. 聚合物内聚能密度对温度的依赖性

    The dependence of polymer cohesive energy density on temperature

  9. 本文对无定形聚合物的内聚能密度的温度依赖性进行了研究。

    The dependence of amorphous polymer cohesive energy density on temperature is studied .

  10. 据此,定义了1个新的溶解度参数,它等于液体的内聚能密度除以内压的开方根。

    A new solubility parameter thereby defined equals to the cohesive energy density of the liquid divided by the square root of internal pressure .

  11. 这是因为,断裂伸长率的变化与分子链的柔性密切相关,而抗拉强度则主要取决于大分子的内聚能密度。

    The results show that elongation at break is related to the flexibility of molecular chains , while tensile strength is depended on the cohesive energy .

  12. 发现1,2-链节提高了聚1,2-丁二烯的玻璃化温度,同时稍稍降低了它们的内聚能密度。认为这是1,2-链节降低了聚1,2-丁二烯分子链柔顺性的缘故。

    It was found that with increasing in the content of 1,2-unit of the polymer , its glass transition temperature increases but the cohesion energy density decreases , due to the stiffening of the molecular chains of 1,2-polybutadienes .