
  1. 企业参与市场的竞争说到底是人才的竞争,特别是我国加入WTO之后,企业面临的最严峻的挑战之一就是高级管理人才的流失。

    The competition of enterprise in the market is in the mature of the competition of the talents . Especially , after our fatherland obtained the entrance to the WTO .

  2. 工商管理硕士(MBA)是起源于欧美国家的一种专门培养中高级管理人才的专业硕士学位。

    MBA education is a professional diploma originated in Europe and the United States , which train middle and senior managerial professionals specially .

  3. 中国经济的快速发展引发了一系列问题,其中就包括高级管理人才的短缺,亚洲的商业精英希望通过参加EMBA项目学习来弥补这一不足。

    China 's rapid economic development has sparked a series of growing pains , including a shortage of managerial talent . Asia 's business class is eager to fill that void and enrolling in EMBA programs .

  4. 现代高级管理人才必备素质及综合评价研究

    Indispensable Qualities of Modern Senior Management Personnel and Comprehensive Appraisal Methods

  5. 但那些日子已经成过去,即便对于高级管理人才也是如此。

    But alas , those days are gone , even for senior executives .

  6. 中国培训跨国经营高级管理人才

    China trains transnational management high level managerial talent

  7. 新形势下我国金融企业对高级管理人才的需求

    Under the New Situation , Our finanical Enterprise Demand High - Level Management Talent

  8. 高级管理人才综合素质测评分析系统中数据结构设计与实现

    Database Design and Realization of the Test-and-analysis Software System of the Senior Manager 's Integral Quality

  9. 国民经济协调发展与培养高级管理人才和高级专业技术人才

    The Coordinated Growth of National Economy and the Cultivation of High-grade Administrative Persons and Professional Technical Persons

  10. 比如高级管理人才的缺乏、资金的短缺、市场封闭等。

    For example , the lack of senior management personnel , a shortage of funds , markets closed .

  11. 200名厂长(经理)对培养高级管理人才的意见和建议的综合分析

    A Synthetical Analysis of Training the High-level Qualified Management Experts Based on the Suggestions of 200 Industrial Enterprise Directors or Managers

  12. 热诚欢迎国内外优秀人才中高级管理人才和专业技术人才入场交流。

    Attendance of outstanding personnel from home and abroad , middle and high ranking administrators , and scientific and technical professionals are cordially invited .

  13. 本工程领域培养从事项目策划、评估、设计、建设、收尾全生命期的专业化高级管理人才。

    This Master of Engineering in Project Management programme is to train high-level professionals specialized in project planning , evaluation , design , construction and commissioning .

  14. 正是在这种背景下,我们选择了职业经理人市场作为研究课题,研究如何开发高级管理人才市场的选聘机制。

    Just in these contexts , the professional manager market is chose as a question for discussion , and how to exploit the mechanism of selection of managers .

  15. 这些影响不仅仅体现在行业高级管理人才缺乏,还体现在大学的领导与辅导质量方面。

    The effects are felt not only in the thinness of the cream in industry senior management , but also in the quality of leadership and mentoring in universities .

  16. 中国入世后,对于中国企业最大的挑战之一就是如何能够吸引和留住优秀的人才,尤其是高级管理人才和高级技术人才;

    After China entered into WTO , one of largest challenges for Chinese enterprises is how to attract and reserve excellent talents , especially high-grade management talents and technical talents .

  17. 高新技术中小企业在发展的过程中,面临各种各样的困难,比如高级管理人才缺乏、资金的短缺、市场封闭等。

    The high-tech SMEs face with various difficulties in the developing process . For instance the high-level managerial talent lacks , the fund short , the market occlusion and so on .

  18. 为了方便企业甄选所需要的高级管理人才,本文就高级职业经理人胜任特质评定量表的编制过程及其量表的结构分析做一报告。

    To meet enterprises ' need to select executives , the report gave a description of making of an assessment scale of senior managers ' competence and of the structure analysis of the scale .

  19. 有关数据表明目前,国有企业一方面是员工的绝对量大大超员,另一方面则是各种人才缺乏,特别是高级管理人才和高技能人才缺乏。

    The data indicate that at present , absolute significantly overcrowding in the State-owned enterprise employees on the one hand , the other hand is lack of talent , especially for senior management personnel and lack of high skilled talents .

  20. 在众多影响钢铁物流企业经营的因素中,管理者普遍认识到钢铁物流人才(不仅包括中高级管理人才,还包括从事基层工作的作业人员)对企业的运营起着首当其冲的作用。

    In a number of business factors , Steel logistics enterprises ' managers generally recognized that the steel logistics personnel ( including not only senior management personnel , but also workers engaged in grassroots work ) plays the first role on the enterprise operations .

  21. 提出针对不同性质单位的具体业务特点,采用层次分析法对该指标体系中各项指标的相对重要性进行定量分析,进而应用模糊综合评判法对高级管理人才的综合素质进行评价。

    According to business characteristics of different enterprises , analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ) is employed to do quantitative analysis of the relative importance of each index , and fuzzy comprehensive appraisal theory is used to appraise the comprehensive qualities of senior management personnel .

  22. 为了在竞争中取胜,国内企业必须能够吸引、激励和留住高级管理人才,取得在人力资源市场中的竞争优势,因为精英往往是企业之所以能在竞争中脱颖而出的关键。

    In order to make good winning in the competition , they must be wise to gain competition advantage in human resource market by attracting , motivating and retaining senior persons with ability of management , who are the key for a top-ranking enterprise to win the competition .

  23. 申论这种要求贴近社会、理性思考、注重实效、条理清晰的高难度写作特点,不仅为传统写作教学开出了一片新天地,而且对培养政府高级管理人才意义重大。

    Argumentative writing is characterized by being close to society , reasonable thinking , stressing effect and effectiveness , and being clear and well-organized , which opens up a new world for the teaching of writing and also plays an important role in developing leaders for the government .

  24. 高级营销管理人才素质及培养

    Discussion on senior marketing management talent 's cultivation

  25. 加强与高等院校合作,培养懂体育、懂经营、懂管理的复合型高级体育管理人才。

    Strengthen cooperation with universities and colleges in Beijing to develop versatile senior sports managers with the knowledge of sports , business operation and managerial expertise .

  26. 高级经营管理人才是企业持续发展的核心力量,承接着组织战略目标实现重要责任,决定着企业的命运。

    Senior management personnel is the core strength of the sustainable development of enterprises , to undertake the important responsibility of organizations , to achieve strategic goals , and determine the fate of the enterprise .

  27. 我国企业(尤其是国企)经理的报酬改革相对缓慢,激励性弱,这是造成很多国有企业培养的高级经营管理人才流失的主要原因之一。

    The remuneration reformation of operators in Chinese enterprises , especially in state-owned enterprises , is relatively slow and less encouraging , which is one of the key reasons why many state-owned enterprise trained operators run off .

  28. 现代企业的变革既对企业的传统营销模式提出了挑战,又对企业高级营销管理人才的知识结构、创新能力等综合素质提出了新的要求。

    Transformation of the modern enterprises brings forward challenges to traditional marketing pattern , and brings forward new requirements to the senior marketing management talent 's integrated quality about knowledge structure ? innovation abilities and so on .

  29. 一方面跨国并购有利于实现我国企业股权结构多元化、促进现代企业制度的建立、推动企业技术进步和产业结构优化升级、培养高级经营管理人才、完善市场竞争机制。

    On one hand , cross-border M & A helps to realize the multi-sourcing of investment in state-owned enterprises , improves the establishment of modern corporate structure , promotes technological advancement and industrial upgrading , cultivating management talents and perfects market competition mechanism .

  30. 结合我院市场营销学课程的教学实践,论述了只有通过倡导新型市场营销观念、完善教学内容体系、创新教学手段等方式,才能达到提高高级营销管理人才综合素质的目的。

    Combining with practice of the marketing courses teaching in our institute , this article dissertates the viewpoint that only through advocating new type of marketing conception , perfecting teaching system and innovating teaching methods can we achieve the purpose of enhancing the senior marketing management talent 's integrated quality .