
  1. 三种山羊草细胞质对普通小麦F1代株高和旗叶面积的效应

    Genetic Effects of Three Types of Aegilops Cytoplasm on the F_1 Plant Height and Flag Leaf Area of T.aestivum

  2. 小麦叶片的光合速率上位叶比下位叶高,旗叶最高。

    The rate of photosyn - thesis in wheat leaves was higher in upper leaves than the lower ones .

  3. 我拒绝给一个断送了意大利足球的球员发工资&佩鲁贾队主席卢西亚诺-高奇在他旗下的韩国前锋安贞焕把意大利队赶出世界杯之后如是说。

    I refuse to pay a salary to a player who has ruined Italian football ? AC Perugia president Luciano Gaucci after his club 's Korean Republic striker Ahn Jung-Hwan knocked Italy out of the World Cup .