
  • 网络Heavy metal detection
  1. 因此重金属检测在医药、食品和环境等方面都是十分重要。

    Therefor , heavy metal detection is very important for medicine , food and environment .

  2. 但常用的重金属检测方法需依靠大型仪器,大都存在样品处理繁琐、费用高、检测时间长等缺陷。

    However , the present heavy metal detection method did commonly rely on the large equipments , the trouble pre-treatment , high costs , long time .

  3. 中华绒螯蟹重金属检测方法及在体内的分布与富集

    Accumulative Rules and Inspection Methods of Heavy Metals in Chinese Mitten-Handed Crab

  4. 船载海洋环境重金属检测的电子舌研究

    Research on Electronic Tongue for the Detection of Heavy Metals in Seawater

  5. 纳米探针在重金属检测中的应用研究

    Application of Nanoprobes in Detection of Heavy Metal Ions

  6. 食品中重金属检测的方法研究与仪器研制

    Study on Analytical Methods and Preparation of Instrument for Heavy Metals Determination in Food

  7. 因此重金属检测在环境、农产品中残留监测中非常重要。

    So in environmental and agricultural food monitoring it is very important to quantitatively analyze heavy metals .

  8. 基于电化学溶出伏安法研制了一种新型重金属检测系统,实现海水中锌、镉、铅、铜、锰、砷、铁和铬8种重金属元素质量浓度的自动检测。

    An automatic monitoring system was developed for detecting heavy metal ions in marine waters using electrochemical stripping voltammetry .

  9. 本文以中华绒螯蟹为材料,研究了中华绒螯蟹重金属检测方法及在体内分布富集的情况。

    This article researched the accumulation and distribution rules of heavy metals and the inspection methods in the mitten-handed crabs .

  10. 最终产品的病原微生物检测结果均为阴性,重金属检测结果均符合国家标准的规定。

    The pathogen examination results of finished products are all negative , and heavy metal results of finished products are all within state standard .

  11. 文章还对泥浆重金属LIBS检测的影响因素进行了讨论。

    The main influence factors in LIBS signal detection were also discussed .

  12. 基于平面印刷碳电极的重金属离子检测

    The Detection of Heavy Metal Ions Based on Screen-printed Carbon Electrode

  13. 紫贻贝营养成分的分析及重金属的检测

    Analysis of Nutrition Composition and Heavy Metals of Mussel Mytilus Edulis Linnaeus

  14. GB/T17593-1998纺织品重金属离子检测方法原子吸收分光光度法

    Textiles Test method of heavy metal ions Atomic absorption spectrophotometry

  15. 基于表面增强拉曼光谱的重金属离子检测

    Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Detection of Heavy Metal Ions

  16. 海水重金属自动检测系统研究

    Automatic monitoring system for heavy metals in marine waters

  17. 闽南沿海牡蛎、花蛤、缢蛏体内重金属的检测与评价

    Assessment of Heavy Metals in Cultured Shellfishes in Coastal Areas of South Fujian Province

  18. 介绍了基于电感耦合等离子体-原子发射光谱法的大气颗粒物有害重金属元素检测的技术和仪器,重点介绍其进样方法。

    Introduced testing technology and equipment of harmful heavy metals in airborne particles based on ICP-AES , focusing on the injection methods .

  19. 作者总结5种环境检测新技术及重金属免疫检测模式的研究进展,并对其市场应用进行了展望。

    The5 new methods of enviromental contamination and immunoassay mode of heavy metal were summarized in this paper as well as its prospect of the market use .

  20. 莒县农村生活饮用水中的重金属指标检测值较低,没有明显的工业污染。

    Index of heavy metal in drinking water in rural area of Ju County was low , which indicated that there was no apparent industry pollution . 4 .

  21. 本文对建立我国中药产品中重金属元素检测的国家标准方法和限量控制标准的重要性;

    This proper expatiates the significance of establishing national standard method and the standard of setting limit to contral for the determination of heavy metals in Chinese traditional medicines .

  22. 本论文中我们对平面印刷碳电极在重金属离子检测和乳酸检测中的应用进行了广泛研究,开发了基于平面印刷碳电极的电化学离子传感器和电化学生物传感器。

    In this thesis , we do research on the detection of heavy metal ions and lactate based on serene-printed carbon electrode . We exploit electrochemical ion sensor and electrochemical biosensor .

  23. 把经过处理的污泥辅以其它物料制成有机复合肥,对水稻进行肥效实验和重金属含量检测。

    The experiments of its effect on paddy output and heavy metal content in paddy are carried out by organic compound fertilizer that is made of disposed waste mud and other material .

  24. 因此,发展简单、快捷、灵敏、实用的重金属离子检测方法对控制环境污染、保护人类健康都具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is of great significance to establish a simple , fast , sensitive method to detect them as to the control of environmental pollution and the protection of human health .

  25. 核酸探针具有实时、快捷、稳定、直观的超灵敏等分析检测的优点,使其在医药、环境、食品等众多领域的重金属分析检测中,具有极其广阔的发展空间和应用前景。

    Probes based on nucleic acids ( DNA probe ) with advantages of real-time , quick , stable , selective and visual inspection make its broad space to used in pharmaceutical , environment , food and metal areas .

  26. 将LIBS技术引入土壤泥浆重金属污染的检测分析,力图发展一种针对泥浆重金属污染监测的原位传感技术。

    In the present paper , the LIBS experiments for Pb in slurry samples were carried out with the motivation of developing an in-situ sensor for monitoring heavy metal .

  27. 泉州湾虾、贝类重金属含量的检测与评价

    Assessment of Heavy Metals in Cultured Shellfishes in Coastal Areas of Quanzhou Bay

  28. 德州市郊蔬菜中重金属的含量检测及对策研究

    Study on the Content Determination of Heavy Metal in Vegetables and Countermeasure in Dezhou Suburb

  29. 随着人们对环境的逐渐重视,环境中重金属离子的检测备受关注。

    As the increasing research of environment , more and more people pay attention to heavy metals .

  30. 在对重金属离子进行检测方面,越来越多的小分子荧光探针被报导。

    In the detection of heavy metal ions , small molecule fluorescent probes have been reported increasingly .