
chónɡ zǔ ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • recombination engineering
  1. 本文主要研究从重组工程菌中分别提取PfuDNA聚合酶及taqDNA聚合酶。

    This study concentrated on extracting and purification of Taq and Pfu DNA polymerase in the recombinant strains .

  2. 重组工程菌用IPTG诱导表达后,SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测到一条约21kDa大小的外源蛋白,它与DH的大小相应。

    After being induced by IPTG , the recombinant engineering bacterial strain expressed a new protein ; its molecular weight was about 21 KDa by checking with SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis .

  3. 本研究获得了能够表达结核菌38kD蛋白的重组工程菌株,摸索出蛋白表达的合适条件,初步证实重组38kD蛋白具有良好的免疫反应性,为结核病的免疫学诊断打下了基础。

    The 38kD protein engineering bacteria and the technique concerned is good foundation for clinical diagnosis research of TB .

  4. 目的:构建马动脉炎病毒读码框ORF5、ORF6、ORF7主要结构蛋白基因全长片段的克隆载体及汉逊酵母穿梭载体,并获得重组工程菌,为下一步酵母表达重组目的蛋白奠定基础。

    Objective : To construction the cloning and yeast expression vectors containing ORF5 、 ORF6 、 ORF7 structural protein gene of equine arteritis virus and lay foundation for expressing these recombinant protein .

  5. 一种新的克隆基因方法&重组工程应用研究初报

    A New Method of Cloning Gene : Recombineering Research

  6. 方法:用重组工程技术来快速高效地构建条件敲除载体。

    Methods : By recombineering technique , construct conditional knockout vector rapidly and efficiently .

  7. 根据重组工程原理,建立了一种用于构建重组质粒的neo/E(抗生素/单酶切位点)选择与反选择新方法。

    A new neo / E counterselection technique was set up using Red recombination , which could be used in constructing recombinant plasmid .

  8. 重组E.coli工程菌高密度培养生产人源型胶原蛋白

    High density fermentation of recombinant E.coli for production of human-like collagen

  9. 目的:了解医学检验专业学生乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染状况及接种酵母重组基因工程乙肝疫苗(乙肝疫苗)的免疫效果。

    Objective : To reveal the infection status of HBV and immunogenicity of HB vaccine among medical laboratory students of our college .

  10. 另一方面,天然III型干扰素在体外重组基因工程菌种中较难表达和纯化也是制约它们快速取代IFN-α的一个重要因素。

    On the other hand , natural type III interferon is more difficult to express and purify in vitro using gene engineering techniques .

  11. 重组材料工程专业促进大学生全面发展

    Reforming Major of Material Engineering to Promote Comprehensive Development of Undergraduates

  12. 高选择性重组基因工程菌治理含汞废水的研究

    Bioaccumulation of Mercury from Hg-wastewater by Genetically Engineered Escherichia Coli

  13. 重组抗体工程及其在肿瘤靶向及癌症治疗中的应用

    Recombinant antibody engineering and its applications in tumor targeting and cancer therapy

  14. 重组基因工程菌在不对称还原羰基化合物中的应用

    Application of recombinant genetic engineering strains in asymmetric reduction of carbonyl compounds

  15. 为确保应用安全,我们按照相关国家标准,对降压肽重组基因工程乳酸菌进行安全性毒理学评价以及耐药性评价等,为该菌株进一步的应用开发提供安全实验数据。

    To ensure security . in accordance with the relevant national standards , we have evaluated the toxicological safety and drug resistance of the anti hypertensive peptides of genetic engineering recombinant Lactobacillus .

  16. 基因重组人IL-6工程菌发酵培养的实验研究

    Study on fermentation for recombinant bacterial strain of human interleukin-6

  17. 重组人aFGF工程菌发酵条件的优化

    Optimization of Condition for Fermentation of Recombinant E. coli with Human aFGF Gene

  18. 以基因重组技术构建工程菌株表达肠出血性大肠杆菌(EHEC)O157∶H7主要保护性抗原紧密素和志贺毒素的融合蛋白。

    The fusion proteins composed of the main protective antigens intimin and Shiga-toxin of EHEC O157 ∶ H7 were expressed and purified .

  19. 对含人EC-SOD重组质粒的工程菌进行诱导表达形成包涵体。

    The strains with recombinant plasmid of hEC - SOD were induced and expressed as inclusion body .

  20. 目的:对含PTD-SOD重组质粒的工程菌进行诱导表达。

    Objective : To study the induction and expression of strains with recombinant plasmid of PTD-SOD .

  21. 结构调整的最佳选择是以工程项目总承包和分包为分工协作的垂直一体化:分化重组中间的工程咨询单位,组建顶端的EPC工程公司,发展低端的专业咨询公司、事务所。

    The best solution of structural regulation is vertical integration of labor division and cooperation for overall project contracting and subcontracting . It is necessary to divide and reconstruct the middle part-the engineering consulting unit , constitute the top EPC engineering company , develop low-end professional consulting company or institution .

  22. 鸡传染性喉气管炎重组鸡痘基因工程疫苗免疫效果研究

    Immunity Effects of Chicken Infectious Laryngotracheitis Genetic Vaccine Recombinant with Fowlpox Virus

  23. 表达乙型肝炎表面抗原重组酿酒酵母工程菌发酵培养基配方的优化

    Optimization of Formula of Medium for Fermentation of Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae Expressing HBsAg

  24. 稳定代谢葡萄糖和木糖产乙醇的重组酿酒酵母工程菌初步构建

    Construction of Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae for Steadily Metabolizing Glucose and Xylose to Ethanol

  25. 数字成图资源的重组规则与工程化效能

    Engineering Efficiency and Realignment Regulations of Digital Mapping Resources

  26. 重组纳豆激酶工程酵母菌发酵研究

    Study on fermentation of P.pastoris recombinant engineering saccharomycete

  27. 产品设计过程重组是并行工程的核心,其方法的核心是设计过程分解。

    Design process reengineering was the key part in concurrent engineering which was characterized by decomposition of design process .

  28. 构建SS/HBsAg重组蛋白基因工程疫苗,为其临床医学诊断与治疗多种肿瘤和畜牧业生产中促进动物生长等应用打下基础。

    To construct the ss / HBsAg protein gene-engineering vaccine for developing the diagnosis and cure tumors in clinical medicine and promoting the growth in animal husbandry production .

  29. 相反,他表示,很多其他的创造更高企业价值的方法,比如收购、削减成本、外包、重组和金融工程,都已经被很多大公司采用过。

    Instead , he suggested that so many of the other steps to create higher corporate value - like acquisitions , cost-cutting and outsourcing , restructuring and financial engineering - have run their course at many major companies .

  30. DNA重组与叶绿体遗传工程

    DNA Recombination and Chloroplast Genetic Engineering