
zhònɡ yào rén wù
  • Important people;somebody;someone;key figure;anybody;very important person ;notable;anyone;big fish;important/great figure
重要人物 [zhòng yào rén wù]
  • [important figure;prominent personage;VIP;very important person] 拥有极大影响或威望的人物;尤指拥有特权的高级官员

  • 我祖父招待当地一位重要人物的一次精致的午餐会

  1. 谢瓦尔德纳泽先生逐渐成为改革运动的重要人物。

    Mr Shevardnadze emerged as a major figure in the reform movement

  2. 他是反艺术诈骗专案组的重要人物。

    He is a big cheese in the Art Fraud Squad .

  3. 了解重要人物的一些内幕真令人高兴。

    It was gratifying to be in the know about important people

  4. 作为工头,他突然觉得自己是个重要人物。

    As an overseer , he suddenly found himself a person of consequence

  5. 据说,许多反对派的重要人物也在被捕者之列。

    A number of leading opposition figures were said to be among those arrested .

  6. 似乎商界所有重要人物都将参加那个会议。

    It seems anyone who 's anyone in business is going to the conference .

  7. 我以为你可能认识某个重要人物。毕竟你交游甚广。

    I thought you might know somebody . After all , you 're the man with connections .

  8. 有这么一种观念,就是如果你在约见中迟到,别人会觉得你是重要人物。

    There is the belief that , if you arrive at an appointment late , you will be considered important .

  9. Name-dropping指在谈话、叙事、歌曲创作、网络身份或其他形式的交流中提及重要人物或机构的名字,希望以此让别人印象深刻。

    This phrase , a play on name-dropping , has been showing up sporadically , or other communication . The term often connotes an attempt to impress others .

  10. 他似乎是个重要人物。

    He seems to be somebody .

  11. 这种人试图通过紧跟重要人物来提升自己的地位。

    It 's someone who tries to enhance his own status by attaching himself to someone more important .

  12. Namedropping指在谈话、故事、歌曲、网络身份或者其它交流中提及重要人物或机构的行为,暂译为拽人名。

    Name dropping is the practice of mentioning important people or institutions within a conversation , story , song , online identity , or other communication .

  13. kingpin是用来表达重要人物的另外一个短语。

    A kingpin is another word for an important person .

  14. 而责任伦理学的另一重要人物&汉斯·尤纳斯(HansJonas)则把责任伦理对这个时代的意义提上了重要日程。

    What is more , another important figure-Hans Jonas proposed , the significance of responsibility ethics , to the important program to this time .

  15. 进场观看的费用是175美元;重要人物可以在贵宾会所的露台上进行观看,这里只为VIP保留席位(光有钱是买不到社会地位的)。

    It costs $ 175 to join the groundlings in the yard ; the power players watch from clubhouse terraces reserved for VIPs . ( Money alone can 't buy status . )

  16. 魏理(ArthurWaley)不仅是20世纪西方最著名的汉学家与翻译家之一,也是英语现代诗歌运动中的一个重要人物。

    Arthur Waley is not only one of the most famous Western sinologists and translators of the 20th century , but also a key figure in the movement of modern English poetry .

  17. 我们知道的是这要感谢密歇根大学(universityofmichigan)教授、该领域重要人物加里索伦(garysolon)的努力收入在世代之间的传递程度要比我们过去认为的要高。

    What we do know thanks to the efforts of Gary Solon , a professor at the University of Michigan and a leading light in the field is that the transmission of income down the generations is higher than we used to think .

  18. 她也会每个月去会见她的核心顾问――那些像GradyBooch这样在业界的重要人物,他们讨论项目、想法,更通常的是为Addison-Wesley应该出版哪些书籍而献计献策。

    She also meets once a month with her " circle of advisors " key industry people like Grady Booch to talk about projects , ideas , and generally to brainstorm about what AW should be covering .

  19. 他总喜欢冲口说出一些重要人物的名字。

    He does enjoy chucking out the names of important people .

  20. 你不知道谁会是重要人物。

    You never know who 's gonna be at these things .

  21. 她跟这个男人说话的语气就像他是个重要人物似的!

    She spoke to this man as though he were important !

  22. 她是国际艺术界的重要人物。

    She was a key figure in the international art world .

  23. 我知道我爸爸一直是个重要人物。

    I 've always known my father was an important man .

  24. 伦敦金融城的一位重要人物指出:这是一场攻击。

    This is an attack , said one senior City figure .

  25. 和影响国家的重要人物握手。

    Shake hands with someone who has truly changed a country .

  26. 他们还想让世界记住他们是重要人物。

    They also wanted the world to remember them as important people .

  27. 管仲是中国历史上一位有争议的重要人物。

    Guan Zhong is an important but controversial figure in Chinese history .

  28. 中国数学史上的重要人物。

    He is considered an important figure in China 's mathematical history .

  29. 很多重要人物缺席,尤其是主任没来。

    Many notable persons were absent , notably the director .

  30. 他被看作为历史上的重要人物。

    He was regarded as an important figure in history .