
  • 网络chungking mansions;CHUNG KING MANSION
  1. 香港九龙重庆大厦(chungkingmansions)破败的外墙下,路过的行人步履迟疑,脸上透着既紧张又好奇的神色。

    A look of nervous curiosity clouds the faces of those who walk haltingly past the crumbling facade of Chungking Mansions in Kowloon district .

  2. 重庆大厦供应给撒哈拉以南非洲地区的手机,占总供应量的五分之一。

    Chungking Mansions supplies up to a fifth of all the mobile-phone handsets in sub-Saharan Africa .

  3. 重庆大厦或多或少地可以分为三处区域。

    It turns out that there are three buildings , more or less .

  4. 2011年,我到香港旅行,我最后选择住在重庆大厦。

    In 2011 , I traveled to Hong Kong and ended up staying in Chungking Mansions .

  5. 麦登高称重庆大厦为香港中心的一座发展中世界孤岛。

    He calls it an island of the developing world in the heart of Hong Kong .

  6. 麦登高表示,这些非法劳工撑起了重庆大厦的经济,他们愿以微薄的薪水干活。

    According to Prof Mathews , these illegal workers carry the economy of Chungking Mansions as they are willing to work for a pittance .

  7. 不过体面阶层离该地区还很遥远:在重庆大厦,精打细算的中年旅客与巴基斯坦和孟加拉移民以及非洲商人摩肩接踵。

    But gentrification remains a long way off : in Chungking , middle-aged budget travellers rub shoulders with Pakistani and Bangladeshi immigrants and African traders .

  8. 980个房间如蜂窝般充满整座重庆大厦“重庆”意味着“好运连连”有些房间仅能容纳一张双人床。

    There are 980 rooms honeycombed throughout Chungking - which means " great ( or repeated ) good luck " - some of them just big enough for a double bed .

  9. 与各地的商人一样,他更喜欢在有法治的监管体系里做生意:虽然重庆大厦看上去很随意,但香港确实提供了这样一种环境。

    Like businessmen everywhere , he prefers doing trade in a good regulatory system with the rule of law : as haphazard as Chungking might appear , Hong Kong does offer that .

  10. 艾格博姆说,重庆大厦的商人要的是钱,其它每一件事从手机到打包到称重到发货都为它们服务。

    Igbom says that all Chungking traders need is money , and everything else - from the handsets to the packing to the weighing to the dispatching - is done for them .

  11. 到达重庆大厦时,只要身上穿了衣服,兜里放点现金就行,就连航空公司慷慨赠送的20公斤免费行李都显得可笑。

    Arrive at Chungking Mansions with little more than the clothes on your back and cash in your pocket , and a 20kg baggage allowance might seem an almost absurd gesture of largesse on the part of the airlines .

  12. 这样的例子很多,比如,在澳大利亚作为纪念品出售给中国游客的蛋白石,是从澳大利亚被运至中国南方进行抛光和镶嵌、之后再运回澳大利亚的,整个过程当然都是通过重庆大厦来完成。

    In one such example , Australian opals are shipped to southern China to be polished and set , before being sent back to Australia to be sold as souvenirs to Chinese tourists , all via Chungking Mansions , of course .

  13. 重庆大厦的邻居95%都是香港中国人,他们往往认为重庆大厦是一个让人生厌的地方,是一颗黑暗的心脏,它恰好位于他们的城市中心。

    Hong Kong Chinese , which make up95 % of its neighbours , tend to regard the place with a kind of horror , as a heart of darkness that just happens to be located in the heart of their city .

  14. 饱经世事的中国老人会告诉你,自从五年前重装了电梯后,重庆大厦就失去了很多迷人的魅力,当你看到现在的电梯要搭乘多少乘客时,那种愁绪更是不如死了算了。

    Old China hands will tell you that Chungking Mansions has lost much of its edgy charm since its lifts were refitted five years ago , a nostalgia that seems more like a death wish when you see what the current elevators have to cope with .

  15. 重庆金汤大厦后张预应力混凝土结构设计

    Design of Post-tensioned Concrete Structure in the Chongqing Jintang Building

  16. 重庆国际大厦硐室地基和基础数值分析

    Cavern Foundation and Basic Numerical Analysis of Chongqing International Mansion

  17. 重庆英利大厦表面风压测量与分析

    Measure and Analyse on the Surface Wind Pressure of Yingli Building in Chongqing

  18. 重庆市某大厦A塔楼转换层RC梁裂缝分析与防治

    Crack Analysis and Precaution of the RC Beams of the Transition Layer of the A-tower Dwelling of A Tall Block in Chongqing

  19. 介绍重庆民族广场民族大厦钢管混凝土柱结构特点、施工工艺和质量要求。

    This article describes the structural characteristic , construction technology and quality demand of steel pipe concrete column of National Plaza Building in Chongqing .