
  • 网络Hong Kong Language;Languages of Hong Kong
  1. 香港语文教学研讨会观感

    Impressions of the Hong Kong Seminar Language Teaching

  2. 香港语文教育研究数据库

    Hong Kong Language Education Research Database

  3. 试论1997与香港中国语文政策

    On 1997 and Policies of the Chinese Language in Hong Kong

  4. 这种社会群体心理,是香港中学语文教学的困境之一。

    Such phenomenon contributes much to the predicament of middle school Chinese teaching in Hong Kong .

  5. 优化课程组织成为提高香港初中语文教学效率的一条有效途径,其中单元教学以其独具的特点与优势列于优化课程组织的重要地位。

    The effective way to better the teaching of Chinese in Hongkong 's junior middle schools is to optimize the construction of curriculum to which teaching in units is of great significance .

  6. 中英文同为香港的法定语文。

    Hong Kong 's official languages are Chinese and English .

  7. 香港的中国语文科课程改革

    Reform of Ch in ese Curriculum in Hong Kong

  8. 香港《中国语文课程指引》是香港回归后的第一个正式的语文课程文件,对今后的语文教改起着直接指导的作用。

    Chinese Curriculum Guideline in Hong Kong is the first official Chinese curriculum file after the reunification , which influences the following Chinese reform directly .