
  • 网络Cantopop
  1. 该发现证明了概念整合理论强大的解释力,同时也充实了粤语流行歌曲歌词的研究。

    It demonstrates the strong explanatory power of Conceptual Integration Theory , and enriches researches on Cantopop song lyrics .

  2. 此外,本文也试图借此研究帮助粤语流行歌曲爱好者更好地理解歌曲中的隐喻,从而能使他们从音乐中得到最大限度的享受。

    In addition , the author also attempts to help Cantopop lovers understand the metaphors in the song lyrics , thus maximizing their enjoyment from the music .

  3. 粤语流行歌曲:用广东话唱的流行音乐。

    Canto-pop : pop music sung in cantonese .