
Yuè Hàn Tiě Lù
  • the Canton-Hankou railway
  1. 英庚款退赔与粤汉铁路建设

    The Remission of the British Boxer Indemnity and the Construction of Yue-Han Railway

  2. 南段从广东广州到湖北武昌,称为“粤汉铁路”,于1900年7月动工,1936年4月建成。

    Jinghan railway was finished in 1905 and Wuguang railway was finished in 1936 .

  3. 孙氏一家和其他三四个学生也要在九龙下船,搭粤汉铁路的车;

    Three or four students and the Suns were going to disembark at Kowloon to take the Canton-Hankow train .

  4. 六厘英金庚款公债,是国民政府以英退庚款为基金,在国内外发行的粤汉铁路建设公债。

    Six Li Bonds of the British Boxer Indemnity is Yue-han Railway construction bonds , a successful railway construction bonds put on sale in China and abroad .

  5. 他以身殉职在粤汉铁路沿线煤炭资源调查的途中,殉职在他毕生钟爱的地质考察的事业中。

    Which also demonstrates his uncommon life . He died on the way to survey coal resources along the Canton-Hankow Railway for his beloved the cause of geology survey .

  6. 数年后,为了保护铁路利权,清政府和广大民众强烈要求废除粤汉铁路借款合同。

    After several years , in order to protect the railway economic rights and interests , the Qing government and the public demanded to abolish the loan agreement intensely .

  7. 至欲完全占领粤汉铁路和西兰公路,将经历非常危险的战争,未必尽能达其企图。

    As for attempting to occupy the entire length of the Canton-Hankow Railway and the Sian-Lanchow Highway , he will have to fight perilous battles and even so may not fully accomplish his design .