
Yuè cài
  • Cantonese cuisine;Guangdong food ;Guangdong style of cooking
粤菜 [yuè cài]
  • [Cantonese food] 中国菜系之一,以广东风味为代表的菜肴

  1. 过去,英文中的很多中文词汇都来自于受欢迎的粤菜,直接从粤语借用而来,比如“chopsuey”(炒杂烩)、“chowmein”(炒面)、“dimsum”(点心)。

    Historically , many words of Chinese origin in English are popular Cantonese foods , borrowed directly from the dialect , for instance , chop suey , chow mein , or dim sum .

  2. 福临门一位经理MichelleChui说,预订数量经过2009年的下滑后,今年已经回升。福临门在全亚洲开有九家高端粤菜馆。

    Reservations have bounced back this year after a dip in 2009 , said Michelle Chui , a manager at Fook Lam Moon , which operates nine high-end Cantonese restaurants across Asia .

  3. HoLeeFook把粤菜和亚洲传统菜融为一炉,几乎所有菜都让我赞叹。此外还有不少大厨乔伊特·于(JowettYu)拿手的小菜。

    Then again , most everything I had at Ho Lee Fook wowed me . The restaurant fuses Cantonese with other Asian traditions as well as any flourishes that the chef , Jowett Yu , deems appropriate .

  4. Lili是半岛酒店内的正宗粤菜馆,无论是在时间还是空间都实现了大胆跳跃——时间恍如感觉回到了上世纪20年代,空间则仿佛置身于京剧中的某个场景,显得既夸张又不同寻常。

    Lili , the Peninsula 's signature Cantonese restaurant , is a daring leap in time and space - back to an era that feels somewhere close to the 1920s and to a place that looks something like a Chinese opera . It is theatrical and different .

  5. 听好了,它们是川菜、粤菜、鲁菜。

    Listen up , they are Sichuan , Guangdong , Shandong .

  6. 粤菜是中国有特色的菜系之一。

    Yue cuisine is one of the most famous in China .

  7. 每台2000元左右,要正宗粤菜。

    At about 2000 yuan and make the dishes typically Cantonese .

  8. 粤菜是中国八大菜系之一。

    Cantonese Cuisine is one of the Eight Great Cuisines inChina .

  9. 粤菜清淡适口,而京菜则味重香浓。

    Cantonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy .

  10. 以粤菜为主,厨具、中国菜配料由组委会提供。

    Cooking utensils and ingredients will be provided by the Organizing Committee .

  11. 一般说来,我家更喜欢川菜而不是粤菜。

    Generally speaking , my family prefer Sichuan food to Cantonese food .

  12. 是的,粤菜吃起来新鲜、细嫩和爽滑。

    Yes . It tastes fresh , tender and smooth .

  13. 这样听上去粤菜更适合我们的口味。

    Then I think Guangdong food sounds nice to us .

  14. 客家菜里的盐焗鸡已经被纳入经典粤菜。

    Its salt-roasted chicken has been incorporated into Cantonese cuisine as a standard .

  15. 已经不再只是粤菜的天下了。

    It is no longer just Cantonese food .

  16. 论《粤菜烹饪原料与加工技术》的课程标准

    Discussion on Curriculum Criterion of Culinary Raw Material and Processing Technology of Cantonese Food

  17. 我希望将来邀请你到广东吃粤菜。

    I hope some day I invite you to eat Cantonese food in Guangdong .

  18. 本餐厅主要有粤菜,包括潮汕菜和客家菜。

    Our restaurant mainly serves Cantonese cuisine , including Chaozhou , Shantou and Hakka dishes .

  19. 与粤菜餐厅或是其他餐厅相比,上海餐厅的菜单,会提供季节性的甜品。

    Unlike Cantonese or Mandarin cuisine , Shanghai restaurant menus will sometimes have a dessert section .

  20. 服务生:是的,粤菜清淡适中,而鲁菜则味重浓香。

    Waiter : Yes , Cantonese food is lighter while Shandong food is heavier and spicy .

  21. 这样的粤菜我还是觉得是挺好的,我喜欢!

    The meat was of decent quality , but it seemed overpriced for what you get .

  22. 你喜欢粤菜吗?

    Do you like Cantonese cuisine ?

  23. 世界各地的中国餐馆常常会在菜单里列出五花八门的粤菜,以供点选。

    Chinese restaurants around the world often include a wide selection of Cantonese dishes on the menu .

  24. 的&由于广州是当时的一个贸易港口,粤菜烹调技艺在宋朝和唐朝成熟。

    Cooking skill matured in Song dynasty and Tang dynasty as Canton has been a trading port .

  25. 对任何粤菜厨师勇气的真正考验就是清蒸石斑鱼。

    The true test of the mettle of any Cantonese chef is to simply steam the fish .

  26. 最难归类的粤菜强调轻炒浅煮,选料似乎不受限制。

    Cantonese cuisine , the hardest to categorize , emphasizes light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients .

  27. 在夏季与秋季,粤菜追求的是清爽;而在冬季和春季则比较注重实质。

    In summer and autumn it pursues clarity and in winter and spring , a little more substance .

  28. 粤菜和淮阳菜的美味及热情周到的服务会使您真正体会到用餐的美妙感受。

    The delicious food , warm d cor and friendly staff make dining a truly wonderful and memorable experience .

  29. 粤菜采用了精美、珍稀的配料,而且采用了精致、爽口的烹调技巧。

    Guangdong cuisine takes fine and rare ingredients and is cooked with fished skills and in a dainty style .

  30. 菜单左边列的是各式粤菜,您可以从中点你最称心的菜。

    You can find the list of Guangdong dishes on the left . You can decide on your favorite dishes .