
  • 网络major crime;homicide;Major Case Squad;Crime Story
  1. 队长,重案组优先接手现场。

    Commander , priority homicide is taking over this crime scene .

  2. 这算是我们重案组的规矩吧。

    It 's sort of like homicide aa .

  3. 社区老人精神科小组区重案组〔香港警务处〕

    Community psychogeriatric team District Crime Squad [ Hong Kong Police Force ]

  4. 我联系上重案组了,这里出事了。

    I got a dead officer here . I call that trouble .

  5. 听我说,这些重案组的家伙,他们都不大正常。

    Look , I 'm telling you , these homicide guys , they 're mental .

  6. 我以为我加入了重案组后就不用再借杂货店打砸抢的案子了。

    I thought I was all done mopping up bodega shootings when I joined the homicide task force .