
  • Ghost;Ghost Story
  1. 晚上,不敢看那些恐怖的鬼片,因为没有安杰宽厚安全的怀可钻。

    I dare not watch the horrible ghost movies without jack 's solid breast .

  2. 有一次,何冠昌问梅艳芳,既然《胭脂扣》是鬼片,不如加些飞来飞去的动作,会更吸引观众。

    Once , Ho Kwoo Cheong asked Anita Mui , since " Rouge " was a ghost story , why not added some flying action , that would attract more audience .

  3. 我个人看过最烂的鬼片大概就是高校恶灵-富江了吧!

    The Haunting-I think it is the worst movie I 've ever seen !

  4. 中国鬼片《画皮》不久将进入续集拍摄制作,演员阵容大部分是原班人马。

    Chinese vampire film " Painted Skin " will soon have a sequel in production with most cast members returning to the film .