
  • 网络Return to Earth;after earth;Voyager;after to earth;Star Trek Voyager
  1. 贾登•史密斯:《当幸福来敲门》及《重返地球》这位14岁的年轻演员兼音乐人作为他父亲的终极电影搭档,在2006年的传记电影中饰演挣扎中的推销员的儿子。

    JADEN SMITH : THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS AND AFTER EARTH The young actor-musician , 14 , served as his dad 's ultimate movie sidekick , playing the son of a struggling salesman in the 2006 biographical film .

  2. 在电影《重返地球》中,威尔史密斯饰演的角色说:恐惧并不真实存在,仅是思想的产物。

    In the movie After Earth , Will Smiths character says , Fear is not real . It is a product of thoughts you create .

  3. 航天飞机重返地球大气层时因有摩擦力而减慢速度。

    The force of friction slows the spacecraft down as it re-enters the earth 's atmosphere .

  4. 空间站在重返地球大气层时会被烧毁。

    The station would burn up on re-entry into the earth 's atmosphere .

  5. 太空船成功地重返地球大气层。

    The spacecraft made a successful reentry into the earth 's atmosphere .

  6. 这个东西真的曾经环绕过月球、而后又重返地球吗?

    Did this thing really go around the moon and come home again ?

  7. 恐龙重返地球的可能性只不过是一个梦。

    So the chance of dinosaurs ever returning to the earth is merely a dream .

  8. 太空梭证明我们能进入太空,而又能安然重返地球。

    The space shuttle proves that we can go into space and then land safely back on earth again .

  9. 这项任务的目标是采集数据并测试重返地球大气层的技术。

    The mission itself was designed to get data and test technology used when re-entering the Earth 's atmosphere .

  10. 哥伦比亚号在2003年重返地球被摧毁,原因是起飞时机翼飞离出的泡沫留下的一个洞。

    Columbia was destroyed during re-entry in2003 because of a hole in its wing , left there by flyaway foam at liftoff .

  11. 两人再次联手出演2013年上映的动作冒险片《重返地球》,饰演一对遭遇飞船重创后迫降到废弃星球的父子。

    The pair teamed up once more for the upcoming 2013 action-adventure flick , After Earth , playing a father and son who encounter a deserted planet after a crash landing .

  12. 让我们把目光从太阳系别的天体上稍稍收回来,重返地球家园来讨论一下我们饱受争议的第二卫星(第一卫星是月亮)。

    After taking a look at stuff way out there in our solar system , let 's head home to Earth and discuss the largely disputed matter of our planet 's second moon .

  13. 运动越快,时间变慢得也更快,这意味着宇航员可以在太空中生存很久,如此一来他们就可以在遥远的未来重返地球。

    It also slows down more as you move faster , which means astronauts some day may survive so long in space that they would return to an earth of the distant future .

  14. 然而问题很快出现,技术人员花了几天时间试图修正状况,但是他们只有一周的时间窗口来执行这次行动,之后飞船就要在周一黎明前重返地球大气层了。

    Problems arose quickly , however , and technicians tried for days to remedy the situation but only had a one-week window to carry out the mission before the vessel reentered the Earth 's atmosphere before dawn on Monday .

  15. 欧洲宇航局向德国《明镜》杂志透露,最新测算结果表明,如果这枚2.5吨重的伦琴号卫星重返地球的时间再推迟7分钟,拥有2000万人口的中国首都北京将面临深度撞击。

    The European Space Agency told Das Spiegel magazine that its new calculations have discovered that if the 2.5-ton Rosat satellite 's re-entry had been delayed for seven more minutes , the Chinese capital of 20 million people would have faced a deep impact .