
chónɡ xīn kāi shǐ
  • restart;resume;start over;renew;recommence;resumption;afresh;go back to;turn over a new leaf;remount
  1. 今天,会有新的陪审团重新开始审判。

    The trial will restart today with a new jury .

  2. 委员们同意尽快重新开始会谈。

    The commissioners agreed to restart talks as soon as possible

  3. 两国同意于随后的一周重新开始会谈。

    The two countries agreed to recommence talks the following week .

  4. 我们只好重新开始努力吸引年轻队员。

    We have to renew our efforts to attract young players .

  5. 等他们最终住了嘴,我又重新开始讲。

    When they 'd finally shut up , I started again .

  6. 下个月将重新开始这座桥的建造工作。

    Work on the bridge will recommence next month .

  7. 这是个重新开始的机会。

    It was a chance to start afresh .

  8. 他决心从事业失败中爬起来,重新开始新的生活。

    He was determined to build a new life out of the ruins of his career .

  9. 渐渐地,犹太社区得到重建,犹太人的生活重新开始。

    Slowly Jewish communities were reconstituted and Jewish life began anew .

  10. 在中断了大约20分钟后,比赛又重新开始了。

    The race was restarted after a break of around 20 minutes

  11. 失去丈夫后我怎么才能重新开始生活?

    How can I rebuild my life without my husband ?

  12. 几小时以后她便抽出身来重新开始西行的旅程。

    Within hours , she was free to resume her journey westward .

  13. 我需要一个新的挑战,换个地方重新开始。

    I need a new challenge and a fresh start somewhere else .

  14. 为寻求解决方案而进行的外交谈判在中断了两周之后于今天重新开始。

    Diplomatic efforts to reach a settlement resume today after a two-week hiatus

  15. 医生准许我重新开始训练。

    I was given the all clear by the doctor to resume playing .

  16. 他相信和平谈判不久将会重新开始。

    He believes the peace talks will be renewed soon

  17. 预计搜寻工作会于今天早些时候重新开始。

    The search is expected to resume early today .

  18. 他重新开始对政府的欧洲政策进行抨击。

    He renewed his attack on government policy towards Europe

  19. 会谈重新开始,以期结束战斗。

    Talks have resumed to try to end the fighting

  20. 他们相信对剩下的法国人来说,唯一的希望就是重新开始。

    They believe that the only hope for the French left is to start afresh

  21. 她丈夫自信大增,不久便重新开始全职工作。

    Her husband became much more positive and was soon back in full-time employment .

  22. 多亏了萨姆·托兰斯,我才重新开始我的职业。

    Sam Torrance is the man I have to thank for resurrecting my career .

  23. 然后,整个漫长复杂的过程又重新开始了。

    Then the whole rigmarole starts over again

  24. 她重新开始了旅行,那是增加自己小说的深度和趣味性所必不可少的。

    She had resumed the travel necessary to add depth and colour to her novels .

  25. 他重新开始工作。

    He began his work anew .

  26. 如果你的投诉没有得到支持,你可能会感到自己又得重新开始。

    If your complaint is not upheld , you may feel you are back to square one

  27. 她准备重新开始。

    She 's ready to start anew

  28. 联合国正重新开始暂停了近20年的外交努力。

    The United Nations is resuming a diplomatic effort that has lain dormant for almost two decades .

  29. 亚历克西斯顺着海岸前行,走到一处悬崖下的阴凉地又重新开始阅读。

    Alexis walked up the coast , and resumed his reading in the shade of an overhanging cliff .

  30. 建议你还清所有的债务,这样你就能够重新开始了。

    The proposal is to pay everything you owe , so that you can start with a clean slate .