
  • 网络Cryogenic
  1. 可供石油化工及其他部门设计、制造低温设备时选用。

    The information can be used by the petro - chemical and other departments in designing and manufacturing Cryogenic equipment .

  2. 低温设备用-100℃全串联自动复叠制冷系统

    Series connection - 100 ℃ auto-cascade refrigeration system for low temperature apparatus

  3. 300kt/a合成氨装置甲醇洗低温设备的设计

    Design of low temperature equipment for rectisol in 300kt / a ammonia synthesis

  4. 波纹板式换热器通常用于低温设备上。

    Usually , the corrugated plate heat exchanger is used on the low temperature equipment .

  5. 石油化工低温设备的热处理

    Heat Treatment for Low Temperature Petrochemical Equipment

  6. 齐鲁乙烯装置低温设备及管道保冷效果评价及改造建议

    Cold Insulation Effect Evaluation and Reform Suggestion for Low-Temperature Equipment and Piping in Qilu Ethylene Plant

  7. 文中重点叙述了低温设备内残留应力的危害,低温设备热处理的方法、工艺和加热温度的确定。

    This article discusses the damage of interior residual stress to the low temperature equipment and heat treatment technology for the low temperature equipment .

  8. 低温设备仪表在线阀门的阀帽和填料箱应为加长阀帽型或伴热型(必要时),从而避免阀杆结冰。

    The bonnet and packing box of low temperature service instrument in-line valves shall be extended bonnet type or heat traced , if necessary , to avoid freezing of valve stems .

  9. 介绍了300kt/a合成氨装置甲醇洗低温设备的设计方法,给出了各设备的结构尺寸,分析了主要材料的性能与选用原则。

    The design method of low temperature equipment for rectisol in 300kt / a ammonia synthesis was introduced . The structure size of equipment was given , and the performance and selecting principle of major materials were analyzed .

  10. 低温冷疗设备的冷量计算和测试方法

    The Calculation and Measurement Methods for the Latent Heat Quantity Cryosurgery Systems Provide

  11. 真空热水锅炉是一种安全节能的低温供热设备。

    Vacuum hot water boiler is an secure and energy-saving low temperature heat supply equipment .

  12. 采用混合工质的自然复叠制冷循环是低温制冷设备发展趋势之一。

    Auto-cascade refrigeration cycle with mixed refrigerant is one of low temperature refrigeration equipment development trends .

  13. 常压低温等离子体设备是一种在纺织行业中具有较大推广价值的设备,低温等离子体技术是一种改善天然纤维表面性能的有效方法。

    The technique of atmospheric pressure plasma is of value in textile industry and is a means of improving the surface properties of natural fiber .

  14. 工业用常压低温等离子体设备及技术研究GB/T7061-1986船用低压开关设备和控制设备装置通用技术条件

    The Research of the Industrial Dielectric Barrier Discharge ( DBD ) Plasma Equipment at Atmospheric Pressure ; General specification for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies in ships

  15. 盐梯度海水太阳池是一个具有收集和贮存太阳能双重功能,被誉为未来可以大规模和长时间贮存太阳能的最有应用前景的低温热源设备。

    The salt-gradient solar pond has the dual functions in collecting and reserving solar energy , and it is praised as the most promising heat resource equipment that can storage large-scale energy for long-term in the future .

  16. 本文主要介绍了环境试验设备的制冷原理及温度漂移问题,以Y6030Ⅱ-2型高低温低气压设备为例,深入分析了其温度漂移的解决方法。

    Reports the refrigeration principle and the temperature change problem of Environmental Test Equipment ; Y6030 ⅱ - 2 typeHigh ? low temperature and low air pressure test equipment is taken as an example , Analyzes its resolvent of the temperature change .

  17. 空气涡轮制冷车&低温环境试验设备

    Air turbine refrigerating machine & a low temperature environment testing equipment

  18. 低温液体储运设备相关压力确定

    Determination of relevant pressures for cryogenic liquid storage & transportation equipment

  19. 城市生活垃圾低温热解试验设备与实验方法的研究

    Research on Experimental Equipment and Methods of Non-thermal Pyrolysis of Municipal Solid Waste

  20. 微波低温真空干燥设备的技术分析及研究

    The Analysis and Research on the Technology of the Microwave Vacuum Drying Equipment

  21. 简要介绍了低温等离子体清洗设备清洗机理、特点及其应用。

    The plasma theory , plasma cleaning mechanisms and applications for plasma cleaning system are described .

  22. 介绍了规整填料的发展及在我国低温空分设备中的应用情况,论述了填料塔与板式塔相比的主要特点。

    Development of unified standards filling and its application in low temperature air separating apparatus in China are presented .

  23. 根据对冷冻试验设备的研究,计算预热负荷,实现对超低温冷冻治疗设备的参数规划和设计。

    According to the research on the trial prototype , the parameter design of the device is completed by calculating the pre-heat load .

  24. 采用低温力学试验设备,研究了载荷-位移全过程曲线、峰值载荷、粉碎功耗随温度的变化情况。

    By low temperature mechanical testing instrument , effects of the temperature on load-displacement curve , peak force and grinding power consumption were discussed .

  25. 论述了催化裂化低温系统的设备、管道腐蚀机理,以及国内外一贯采用的防腐蚀措施。

    The corrosion mechanism of the equipment and pipeline in FCC unit low temperature system is expounded together with the corrosion protection measures both at home and abroad .

  26. 低温粉碎用工艺设备的选择与分析

    Choice and analysis of apparatus used in cryogenic comminution

  27. 自校正控制在低温生物保存降温设备中的应用

    Application of Self-tuning Control to a Freezer for Biological Research of Low-temperature Preservation

  28. 产品为油热式,用于冬季取暖或增加低温环境温度的设备;

    It is used for increase the temperature in winter or low temperature environment ;

  29. 低温环境对输变电设备的电气性能带来一定影响。

    Low temperature environment affects the electrical properties of transmission and distribution equipment to a certain extent .

  30. 介绍了液化天然气汽车罐车的基本结构和工作原理,以及对此种低温易燃介质贮运设备的安全性设计。

    The fundamental structure and the operation principle of liquified natural gas tanker are introduced , taking its safety into consideration .