
  • 网络hypoperfusion;low perfusion;poor perfusion
  1. 背景:血管性痴呆(Vasculardementia,VD)是指脑血管疾病如脑梗塞、低灌注或出血所致的脑血管供血障碍引起的认知功能损害综合征。

    Background : Vascular dementia ( VD ) refers to a cognitive impairment syndrome caused by cerebrovascular blood supply obstacles resulting from cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral infarction , hypoperfusion and bleeding .

  2. 颈内动脉系统的低灌注是颈内动脉系统TIA的病理生理学基础之一,颈内动脉系统血管狭窄、多发粥样斑块是颈内动脉系统TIA的主要病因。

    The hypoperfusion is one of the pathophysiological bases of TIA of Internal carotid artery system , and carotid artery stenosis and many weak vascular plaques maybe is the etiological factors of TIA of Internal carotid artery system . 3 .

  3. ROCK信号转导在大鼠慢性脑低灌注致认知功能障碍中作用研究

    ROCK Pathway on Cognitive Disfunction in Rats Caused by Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion

  4. 脑梗死前期脑局部低灌注的CT灌注成像表现及分期

    CT perfusion imaging and stages of regional cerebral hypoperfusion in pre-infarction period

  5. CT灌注示放射性脑病呈明显低灌注,脑相对血流量明显减少。

    CT perfusion map revealed marked hypoperfusion , reduced CBF ( cerebral blood flow ) in these lesions .

  6. 高压电损伤后CT灌注表现高灌注、低灌注及无血流灌注表现。

    High voltage electrical injury of CT perfusion have there different performance : high perfusion , low perfusion , no perfusion .

  7. 慢性脑低灌注状态缺血再灌注后大鼠海马P21和P53蛋白的表达

    Expression of P21 and P53 protein in hippocampus of rats after ischemia reperfusion following chronic cerebral hypoperfusion

  8. 结论急性尿路梗阻可以导致肾皮质灌注滞后及低灌注,在CT图像上的表现为皮质期延迟强化及强化程度下降。

    Conclusion Acute obstructive uropathy results in the delayed and low perfusion of renal cortex , with the spiral CT appearances of delayed enhancement and descending attenuation in cortical phase .

  9. 结果10例短暂性全面遗忘症患者的脑电图均正常,而经颅多普勒超声检查提示椎基底动脉供血异常,SPECT显示不同脑区有低灌注情况。

    Results Ten patients showed normal EEG , but there was significant changes in SPECT and brain ultrasound Doppler examination .

  10. 目的研究慢性脑血流低灌注对大鼠血和脑内β-淀粉样肽(β-amyloidPeptide,Aβ)含量的影响。

    Objective To investigate the changes of β - amyloid peptide ( A β) in rats ' blood and brain under the condition of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion .

  11. 方法60只家兔分为4组:A组,正常灌注量组;B组,低灌注量组;

    Methods Sixty rabbits were divided into four groups : Group A : normal blood perfusion , Group B : low perfusion , Group C : low reflux , Group D : low perfusion and reflux .

  12. 结论多普勒超声心动图检测中至大块急性PE肺动脉血流频谱曲线,呈现高阻力低灌注的双峰特征,对快速早期提示急性PE具有重要的临床应用价值。

    Conclusion It has a certain clinical value for diagnosis of PE cases to display the double peaks of high resistance and low perfusion in systole by Doppler echocardiography .

  13. 结论:慢性脑低灌注状态下,正常脑灌注压恢复过程中可诱导P21和P53蛋白的表达。

    CONCLUSION : The results demonstrate that normal perfusion pressure restoration process can induce the expression of P21 and P53 protein following chronic cerebral hypoperfusion .

  14. 在内毒素、低灌注所致的MOF老年大鼠中,肺脏常首先受累。

    In endotoxin and low perfusion induced MOF in aged rat , often the lung is involved initially .

  15. 结论体动及低灌注可影响SpO2监测值的准确性。

    Conclusion Both motion and low perfusion can influence the performance of pulse oximeter .

  16. 外周血白细胞腺苷A(2A)受体缺失对慢性低灌注性脑白质损伤的影响

    Effects of selective deletion of adenosine A_ ( 2A ) receptors of peripheral leukocytes on cerebral white matter injury induced by chronic hypoperfusion

  17. 应用免疫组化SABC法和显微图像分析方法检测慢性脑低灌注状态再灌注后大鼠海马CA1区p21和p53蛋白的表达。

    The expression of p21 and p53 protein in rat brains was detected with immunohistochemical SABC method and analyzed by microimage analysis system .

  18. MRPP中,正常灌注与灌注缺损区及低灌注区的信号强度变化率差异有显著性意义(P0.01)。

    The TROS in normal perfusion zones , perfusion defect zones , and low perfusion zones had significant difference ( P0.01 ) .

  19. 阐述家兔急性周围型PE的CT表现及肺实质改变征象的病理学基础,评估CTPA对肺动脉较小分支PE的诊断价值及其显示肺栓塞低灌注区的能力。

    To assess the diagnostic value of CTPA in the diagnosis of rabbit 's peripheral PE , small branches of pulmonary arteries , and its ability of displaying for the hypo-perfusion parenchyma area .

  20. 结论抑郁症患者存在左额叶的局部血流低灌注。rTMS治疗抑郁症可能与左额叶血流低灌注改善有关。

    Conclusions Hypoperfusions of left frontal were identified in patients with depression rTMS could increase the rCBF in left frontal .

  21. 患者无记忆力障碍,MRI显示左侧额叶及颞叶萎缩,功能磁共振显示左侧额叶、颞叶呈低灌注、低代谢状态。

    The patient ′ s memory and intelligence were normal . Atrophy of left temporal and frontal lobes was shown by MRI , and the lower metabolism and blood flow of them were revealed by use of functional magnetic imaging .

  22. 维持病人全身状态稳定、防止肾脏低灌注损害、预防低氧血症的发生以及手术引流腹腔减压可能有预防ARF发生的作用。

    Reducing the abdominal pressure by maintenance of systemic stability , prevention of low perfusion injury and avoiding hypoxemia and emergency operation might be beneficial for prevention of ARF prevalence .

  23. 结论颈动静脉端侧吻合可导致CPP降低,静脉引流障碍进一步加重脑低灌注状态,并与灌注压突破密切相关。

    Conclusions Carotid jugular end to side anastomosis can induce decreased CPP , whereas further cerebral hypoperfusion states maybe caused by drainage vein abnormalities , which are associated with perfusion pressure breakthrough .

  24. 腺苷A(2A)受体基因敲除对慢性低灌注白质损伤的影响及其与炎性效应调控的关系

    Effect of Adenosine A_ ( 2A ) Receptor Knock Out on Whiter Matter Lesions Induced by Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion and the Role of A_ ( 2A ) Receptor in the Modulation of Inflammatory Reaction

  25. 结论与核素肺通气/灌注显像相比,MRPP同样能够显示肺栓塞的灌注缺损区和低灌注区。

    Conclusion Compared with the radionuclide perfusion , contrast enhanced MRPP could show both perfusion defect zones and low perfusion zones in PE .

  26. 与Ⅰ组比较,Ⅱ组T2和T3时Pg-aCO2降低,pHi升高(P<0.05)。结论:异丙酚全凭静脉麻醉可减轻LC患者CO2气腹期间的内脏低灌注。

    As compared to group ⅰ, Pg-aCO2 was significantly decreased and pHi increased in group ⅱ at T2 and T3.Conclusion : Total intravenous anesthesia with propofol during LC with CO2 pneumoperitoneum can reduce splanchnic hypoperfusion .

  27. 目的研究肠道低灌注状态下实施早期肠内营养(EEN)时小肠功能指标及耐受能力的变化。

    Objective To investigate the effects of early enteral nutrition ( EEN ) on intestinal function and gut tolerance after intestinal ischemia / reperfusion ( I / R ) injury .

  28. 结论MRPP能够显示肺栓寒的灌注缺损区和低灌注区,对肺栓塞诊断有较高的临床价值。

    Conclusion MRPP could show both perfusion defect zone and low perfusion zone in PE . MRPP had significant values especially in showing pulmonary artery embolism .

  29. 目的了解Alzheimer病(AD)脑血流灌注的病理性变化与健康老年人增龄性改变的区别,以及颞、顶叶低灌注对判断AD程度的意义。

    Objective To understand the differences of brain perfusion changes in patients with Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) and healthy elders and to find out which is pathological and which is biological . To figure out the significance of low perfusion in temporal and parietal lobes to AD.

  30. 服用乙酰唑胺后,原脑内低灌注区部位的rCBF均明显增高(P<0.01),但没能恢复到正常水平(P>0.05)。

    After acetazolamide stress test , rCBF of the hypoperfusion regions in baseline step were significantly increased ( P < 0.01 ), but not reached to the normal level of the controls ( P > 0.05 ) .