
  1. 《一位女士的画像》的圣经原型解读

    A Biblical Archetypal Reading of The Portrait of a Lady

  2. 詹姆斯与未来主义&《一位女士的画像》试评

    James and Futurism & A Tentative Study of The Portrait of a Lady

  3. 论《一位女士的画像》中伊莎贝尔·阿切尔的精神追寻

    The Spiritual Quest of Isabel Archer in the Portrait of a Lady

  4. 明与暗的艺术&《一位女士的画像》中的意象

    Light and darkness in The Portrait of a Lady

  5. 自由的重构:《一位女士的画像》中的婚姻与自我

    Reconstruction of Freedom : Marriage and Self in The Portrait of a Lady

  6. 自由的悖论&论《一位女士的画像》中的女性观

    The Paradox of Freedom & On Viewpoint of Woman in Portrait of a Lady

  7. 跨文化理想的探寻与重构&谈亨利·詹姆斯《一位女士的画像》的跨文化特征

    Intercultural Ideal 's Pursuit and Reconstruction

  8. 《一位女士的画像》视为亨利·詹姆斯的伟大作品之一。

    The Portrait of a Lady is considered as one of the greatest works by Henry James .

  9. 本文讨论《一位女士的画像》女主人公伊莎贝尔·阿切尔的自由观。

    This paper studies the heroine Isabel Archer 's idea of freedom in The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James .

  10. 《一位女士的画像》的女主人公伊莎贝尔的性格缺陷预示了她的悲剧命运,使她沦为无爱婚姻的牺牲者。

    The defects in Isabel 's character of the Portrait of a Lady partially account for her tragic fate , leading her to a loveless marriage .

  11. 《一位女士的画像》是詹姆斯创作初期的代表作品,作家以细腻的笔触刻画了一位挑战命运的女性形象。

    Henry James exquisitely portrays a female character challenging her destiny in The Portrait of a Lady , which is often considered a representative of his early works .

  12. 美国文学巨匠亨利·詹姆斯在其代表作《一位女士的画像》中一反传统作法,给其主人公依莎贝尔赋予了未来主义的意识和倾向。

    In the Portrait of a Lady , American writer Henry James , in a new tradition , depicts the heroine , Isabel , as with a sense and an inclination of futurism .

  13. 《一位女士的画像》中的女主人公伊莎贝尔·阿切尔虽然在结婚以后已经认识到了自己丈夫的骗子的本质,但是她最终选择回到罗马,回到丈夫的身边。

    The Heroine Isabel Archer in The Portrait of a Lady does realize that her husband actually is a swindler , but she still decides to go back to Rome to be with him .

  14. 蒙娜丽莎是一位佛罗伦萨女士的画像,是一幅绝妙的作品。

    Mona Lisa , the picture of a Florentine lady , has something of a magical effect .