
ɡē yì
  • pigeon wing
  1. 《鸽翼》中的女性形象分析

    An Initial Exploration of the Female Imagery in The Wings of the Dove

  2. 困惑的小精灵&评析《鸽翼》中的多重视角

    Perplexed Fine Spirits & Multiple Narrative Perspectives in The Wings of the Dove

  3. 亨利·詹姆斯作品的情感力量&对《鸽翼》中米莉多重性格的分析

    The Emotional Force of Henry James 's Works & An Analysis of Milly 's Multi-character Image in The Wings of The Dove

  4. 电影剧本由霍辛•阿米尼(作品《鸽之翼》、《亡命驾驶》)编写,《标准晚报》称赞其对勒•卡雷2010年的小说作出了“高度精准的生动改编”。

    The screenplay was written by Hossein Amini ( Wings of a Dove , Drive ) , who is praised by The Evening Standard for making " highly incisive and effective revisions " to le Carr é " s 2010 novel :