
  • 网络pigeon egg
  1. 你要几个鸽子蛋?

    How many pigeon eggs do you need ?

  2. 礼服上开出的侧面突显出她重回苗条的腰部,裙部的开襟与腿相称得完美无瑕,配上ChristianLouboutin的露趾高跟鞋,镶满钻的戒指和耀眼的鸽子蛋,这套优雅的礼服使阿奎莱拉显得相当惊艳。

    With cut out panels to accentuate her once again svelte waist , and a slit to show off her fit legs , Aguilera dazzled in the elegant dress accentuated with blinged-out Christian Louboutin peep-toe heels , pave rings and bedazzled clutch .

  3. 鹌鹑蛋应该不会,我宝宝一直吃的是鸽子蛋,比较好消化。

    Quail eggs should not , I have been eating baby pigeon eggs , better digestion .

  4. 他穿着黑天鹅绒外套,袖子上用银线绣了铁锤的图案,颈项间则戴了条沉重的银链,上面那颗蓝宝石有鸽子蛋那么大。

    He wore a black velvet coat with hammers embroidered on the sleeves in silver thread , Around his neck was a heavy silver chain and a sapphire as large as a pigeon 's egg .
