
xī běi
  • northwest China;the Northwest
西北 [xī běi]
  • [northwest] 方位名,介于西和北之间。特指中国西北部

  • 泰山西北。-- 清. 姚鼐《登泰山记》

西北[xī běi]
  1. 地址为华盛顿特区,西北区,M大街2025号,邮政编码20036。

    The address is 2025 M Street , Northwest , Washington , DC , 20036

  2. 位于洛莱西北部山区的阿尔特,是阿尔加维风景最美丽的村庄。

    Alte , in the hills northwest of Loule , is the Algarve 's most picturesque village .

  3. 西北部的一半林地是公共财产。

    Half of the north-west 's timber land is public property .

  4. 圣潘克拉斯图书馆,伦敦西北一区,尤斯顿路100号

    St Pancras Library , 100 Euston Rd , London , NW1 .

  5. 走和铁路线平行的那条西北向的窄巷。

    Take the narrow lane going north-west parallel with the railway line .

  6. 寒冷干燥的西北风横扫了这个地区。

    A brisk north-west wind swept across the region .

  7. 工党在西北部地区展开了其选举前的竞选活动。

    Labour took its pre-election campaign to the North-West .

  8. 他们原来在苏格兰西北部有一间小屋。

    They used to have a cottage in N.W. Scotland

  9. 风向已经改变,从西风转为西北风。

    The wind had veered from the west to north-by-west

  10. 西北地区成为该国的大粮仓。

    The north-west became the country 's bread-basket .

  11. 阳光和煦,仅有一丝西北风轻轻吹拂。

    The sun was warm and there was just a ghost of a breeze from the north-west .

  12. 这里地处镇子的西北方,离火车站仅有一小段步行距离。

    This was situated to the north-west of the town , a short walk from the railway station .

  13. 这个传统来源于西班牙西北部的一个民族。

    This tradition comes from a people of northwestern Spain .

  14. 这个风景区位于北京的西北远郊。

    The scenic spot is on northwestern outskirts of Beijing .

  15. 那所佛教寺院位于市郊的最西北角。

    On the extreme northwestern outskirts of the city stands the Buddhist temple .

  16. 教堂朝西北的窗子是用精美的彩色玻璃镶嵌成的。

    The church 's northwest window has beautifully coloured glass .

  17. 我们的房间朝西北,所以我们上午有阳光。

    The room faces northwest , so we get the morning sun .

  18. 她住在这条街的西北侧。

    She lives on the northwest side of the street .

  19. 一束奇异的光线在西北方闪现。

    A strange light appeared in the northwest .

  20. 他住在西北部海岸地区。

    He lives on the Northwest coast .

  21. 他们开垦了西北领土。

    They pioneered the Northwest territory .

  22. 我们向西北望去。

    We looked towards the northwest .

  23. 白马饰金羁,连翩西北驰。

    A white horse , in a halter of gold , galloping swiftly to the northwest .

  24. 我们向西北旅行。

    We are travelling northwest .

  25. 向西北走过两条街,在19道街向左拐,你就找到邮局了。

    Walk two blocks northwest , take a left at19th , then you 'll find the post office .

  26. 正如中国之旅负责人史翔所说,"丝绸之路作为吸引外国游客的新品牌,有利于游客更多地了解中国,特别是中国的西北地区。"

    As Shi Xiang , head of the China Tours , says , " Being a new brand to attract foreign visitors , the Silk Road is good for people to know more about China , especially the northwestern part of the country . "

  27. 风从西北方吹来。

    The wind is blowing from the northwest .

  28. 他出生于西北部。

    He was born in the northwest .

  29. 在中国西北,没有任何当地动物驯化的迹象

    In northwestern China , there is no evidence for endemic domestication of any animals .

  30. 他经常乘坐西北航空公司的飞机。

    He often flies Northwest Airlines .