
  • 网络Threshold voltage
  1. 触发角越小,阀电压畸变越小。

    The lower the firing angle of the converter is , the smaller the voltage aberrance of valve arm will be .

  2. TCR阀高电压试验方式中的损耗分析

    Loss Analysis of TCR Valve under High Voltage Test Mode

  3. 将避雷器悬挂于金属塔上处于运行状态时,考虑金属塔和母线效应时建立了3D有限元模型,计算了阀片电压偏差率分布。

    While the surge arrester is suspended on the metal tower in the running state , considering the effect of the tower and the bus , a 3-D finite element model is established , and the distribution of RVW is calculated .

  4. 750kV避雷器阀片电压最大偏差的多变量拟合高压避雷器阀片的改性研究

    Optimizing Structure of 750 kV Surge Arrester with Multivariate Simulation Method On Modification of MOV for High Voltage Arresters

  5. 共轨喷油器电磁阀双电压式驱动模块设计

    Dual voltage driver module for solenoid valve in common rail injector

  6. 用晶闸管宏模型分析换流阀内电压分布特性

    Analysis of voltage distribution in HVDC converter valve by macro-model of thyristor

  7. 晶闸管器件性能和缓冲电路参数会影响换流阀内电压分布特性。

    The performance of thyristors and the parame-ters of snubber circuit can significantly affect the voltage distribution in converter valves .

  8. 同时还考虑了换流器换流时换流阀内电压振荡特性。

    At the same time , the voltage oscillation characteristics in the converter valve are considered while the converter is in service .

  9. 试验研究了激励频率、比例阀输入电压及磁流变减振器输入电流对座椅振动特性的影响规律。

    The effects of actuating frequency , proportional valve input voltage and MR damper input current on the vibration characteristics of seat were experimentally studied .

  10. 处于运行状态下,当高、低压端阀片电压偏差率最为接近时,均压环达到理想配置。

    In the running state for the surge arrester , while RVW of high and low terminals is nearly equal , the grading rings can ideally configured .

  11. 定义了阀片电压偏差率并以此为目标函数,建立该目标函数与各均压环环直径和悬挂高度的拟合多项式关系。

    The ratio of voltage warp ( RVW ) for the varistor is defined to simulate a polynomial of every diameter and suspended heights of the grading ring .

  12. 研究结果表明,座椅悬架的固有频率、位移传递率及加速度均方根值均随比例阀输入电压的增大而减小;

    The results show that , the natural frequency , dynamic amplification factor and acceleration root of mean square of seat suspension will decrease with the increase of proportional valve input voltage .

  13. 电磁阀的驱动电压提高到36V以加快其响应速度;

    A high driving voltage of 36 V was used to shorten the solenoid valve acceleration period .

  14. 高压换流阀组件冲击电压测量用高压探头

    Development of a High-Voltage Probe for Measuring Impulse Voltage across Thyristor Components in HVDC Converter Valve

  15. 伺服阀根据控制电压的大小和方向向作动筒提供油压,使之产生相应速度和方向的三维运动。

    The oil pressure of cylinders will be provided by servovalve according to the value and direction of the control voltage , so the cylinders can make 3D movement at the corresponding velocity and in the corresponding direction .

  16. 研制了新型座椅半主动悬架样机,构建了其振动特性测试系统,通过控制比例阀的输入电压及磁流变减振器的输入电流调节各种工况下座椅悬架系统的等效刚度和等效阻尼。

    Developed the new seat semi-active suspension prototype , established the test system for vibration characteristic , in which the equivalent stiffness and damping could be adjusted by changing the input voltage of the proportional valve and the input current of MR damper .

  17. 计算机发出使支撑座椅的3个作动筒移动到指定位置的模拟电压信号,此信号与作动筒位置传感器的输出位置电压信号的差值作为伺服阀的控制电压信号。

    The analogue voltage signals are generated by computer , which make three cylinders supported chairs move to assigned position . The difference between this voltage and the output voltage of cylinder position transducer will be used as the control voltage of servovalve .

  18. 其中,压力控制模块通过向电气比例阀输出0-10V的电压值来连续控制抛光压力,并且选用了S型拉压力传感器通过数据采集卡对其进行实时监测,构成闭环控制;

    The pressure control module is designed to control the polishing pressure in real-time , through output 0-10 voltage to the electric valve , which constitutes the closed-loop control with the S-type pressure sensor , data acquisition card for real-time monitoring .

  19. 直流输电用可控硅阀内速变型电压分布及其影响因素的研究

    Fast-Transient Voltage Distribution in HVDC Thyristor Valve and Influence of Various Factors

  20. 直流输电换流阀晶闸管电压分布的光电测量系统

    Development of an optic-electric system for measuring voltage distribution along HVDC converter valves

  21. 换流阀内组件冲击电压分布光电测量方法的研究

    Study on an optoelectronic method for measuring impulse voltage distribution in HVDC converter valve

  22. 阀控密封蓄电池电压一致性探讨

    On voltage uniformity of VRLA batteries

  23. 高压直流输电系统换流阀的截流过电压

    The Overvoltage due to Current Chopping in a HVDC Converter Protected by ZnO Gapless Arresters Membrane Valve

  24. 在探讨可控硅换流阀内暂态过电压分布特点的基础上建立了阀体的嵌套等值电路模型。

    An equivalent circuit model of a thyristor valve is established , through detailed study on characteristics of its transient overvoltage distributions .

  25. 获得了自由层和钉扎层都具有任意各向异性的自旋阀结构中输出电压的表达式以及交流电流频率调节的铁磁共振谱。

    The analytical expression of the output dc voltage for arbitrary anisotropy in the free and pinned layers and the FMR spectra adjusted by ac frequency are derived .

  26. 实验结果表明,所设计的光电测量系统有较强的抗电磁干扰能力和较高的测量精度,可以满足测量换流阀晶闸管电压分布的需要。

    Experimental results show that this optic-electric measurement system can meet the requirement of measuring voltage distribution of valve with high capability of suppressing electro-magnetic interference and high measurement precision .

  27. 该系统能够检测真空阀的短路、断路情况,真空阀电压吸合与释放时间,真空打压与释放时间,阀的泄漏量等性能参数。

    This system can detect the vacuum valve performance parameters such as the short circuit , open circuit conditions , the release and pick time of the voltage , vacuum suppression and release time , the leakage of the valve .

  28. 根据实验结果,对影响原因进行了分析,指出要提高比例方向阀控缸位置系统的精度,必须正确确定阀的置中电压。

    Based on the experiment result , the cause of influence was analyzed , and the paper brought forward the precision of the pneumatic position servo system by the proportional directional control valve should be assured by the centre adjustment voltage of the control valve .