
  • 网络valve injection
  1. 采集的煤气样品由6通阀进样,TDX-01填充色谱柱分离,热导检测器检测。

    Coal gas samplers in gas sampling bag were injected into gas chromatography by a six-port valve , separated by repacked column TDX-01 and determined by thermal conductivity detector ( TCD ) .

  2. 六通阀气体进样器在气体分析中的应用与维护

    Application And Maintenance of 6-Way Valve Gas Sampler in Gas Analysis

  3. 气相色谱背压稳压阀升压进样

    Membrane Valve Back Pressure Regulator Injection System for Gas Chromatography

  4. 柱切换是指利用多通路切换阀改变进样阀与色谱柱、色谱柱与色谱柱、色谱柱与检测器之间的连接关系的技术。

    The technique of column-switching could alter the connections between injection valve and column , column and column , column and detector .

  5. 使用液相进样阀液态直接进样保证了试样的代表性。

    The liquid-phase sample injection valve ensured the sampling reproducibility .

  6. 通过PC机多线程控制恒电位仪电路以及泵和阀实现自动进样,检测和清洗。

    By multi-threading of PC , the control of Potentialstat , pump and valve , the auto-sampling , measurement and cleaning process are implemented .