
  1. 她那里有高二和高一新生,教他们如何写大学申请短文和如何准备SAT考试。

    She gets the kids in there in junior high or freshman in high school and teaches them how to write college application essays and how to train for the SAT.

  2. 2005&2008年武汉市新洲区高一新生血清HBsAg和HBsAb监测报告

    Surveillance Report of Serum HBsAg and HBsAb of High School Freshmen in Xinzhou District of Wuhan City during 2005-2008

  3. 德克萨斯农机大学公共卫生学助理教授RanjanaMehta调查了那些使用站立式课桌的高一新生。

    Ranjana Mehta , Ph.D. , assistant professor at the Texas A & M School of Public Health , researched freshman high school students with who used standing desks .

  4. 我是高一新生。

    I 'm a freshman in senior class .

  5. 高一新生考试焦虑现象的家庭和学校相关因素分析

    Family and school factors related test anxiety among senior high school students in grade one

  6. 高一新生来说,年是令人兴奋的。

    For a freshman , the first year in a new school is certainly exciting .

  7. 结果高一新生考试焦虑的检出率为65.20%。

    Results The incidence rate of test anxiety among all the surveyed students was 65.20 % .

  8. 高一新生,被同学欺辱之后在家中上吊自杀。

    Phoebe Prince , a high school freshman , hanged herself after being bullied by classmates .

  9. 经过一年准实验的研究,实验因子选择的是辽宁省辽阳市一所普通的高级中学,2001年高一新生两个自然班126人,每班63人。

    A quasi experiment was conducted in an ordinary high middle school in Liaoyang City Liaoning Province .

  10. 当我是高一新生时,我是一个神经激素异常活跃的人。

    When I was a freshman in high school , I was a live wire of nervous hormones .

  11. 其次,对高一新生基本情况进行调查分析以及任课教师之间的切磋,确定了具体备课内容。

    Secondly , a freshman on the basic investigation and discussion between teachers preparing , determine the specific content .

  12. 目的探讨高一新生中存在的考试焦虑现象的家庭和学校相关因素。

    Objective To explore the family and school related factors of test anxiety among senior high school students in grade one .

  13. 目的了解马鞍山市第二中学高一新生考试时焦虑和抑郁的情况。

    Objective To study the relation of examination to Anxiety and Depression among the New Students in the second middle school of Maanshan .

  14. 然而,现在的很多高中生,特别是高一新生在阅读方面存在着很大的困难。

    But the fact is that many high school students have difficulty in reading , especially for the Grade One students in Senior Highs .

  15. 与李佳一样,该校首批新课改的高一新生都可以选修学校开设的青春期性教育课。

    As the school has a new curriculum reform , new high school students like Li may take adolescence sex-education courses at their will .

  16. 旨在帮助高一新生顺利完成由初中化学学习到高中化学学习的过渡,并为学生在今后的化学学习中做一些有益的铺垫。

    The goals of developing these chemistry-teaching materials are to help the students in their successful transitions from junior to senior high school chemistry education .

  17. 为了验证其有效性,本研究以山东省寿光一中高一新生两个自然班共112名学生为研究对象,将其分为控制班和实验班,进行实证研究。

    The empirical study is conducted among 112 freshmen in two intact classes in No.1 High School Shouguang , Shandong Province , who are divided into control group and experimental group .

  18. 而高中必修阶段的化学老师也觉得高一新生基础差、难教,讲了几遍的化学概念还是不理解。

    The compulsory phase of the chemistry teacher also felt a high school freshman poor foundation , it is difficult to teach , speak a few times or do not understand the chemical concepts .

  19. 在3节课的微型教学实践后,高一新生很快记住了新定义,也能合理地应用新定义解释相关性质和公式,应用相关三角公式解题。

    Having conducted a pilot study for 3 class periods , students in senior 1 soon keep the new definition in mind , and can reasonably explain some properties and solve problems using the new definition .

  20. 集体备课以通过大量的案例研究使之真正有效,发挥集体的智慧、尝试了提高整个高一新生物理教育教学质量的新途径。

    In through a lot of collective prepares to be truly effective case study , play the wisdom of the collective , try to improve the whole higher education quality of teaching new physics new way .

  21. 由于很多高中地理教师缺少对初中地理教学情况的了解,从而无法很好指导高一新生适应高中地理学习。

    Most of the geography teachers do not know much about the situation of the geography teaching in junior school , so they can not guide the freshman to suit the learning of Geography in senior school .

  22. 在教学实践中,本人发现培养高中学生特别是高一新生的物理学习品质和学习习惯是最实际又最有成效的一项工作。

    In teaching practice , I found that for senior high school students especially the first year students , to cultivate students ' study of physics , especially the quality and learning habit is the most practical and effective work .

  23. 而统计数据显示:农村示范性普通高中的高一新生只具备初级听力水平,由于缺少自下而上和自上而下的理解技巧,他们还没有能力把话语中的重点单词筛选出来。

    According to the analyzed statistics , Senior One Students in the countryside are at the beginning level in listening . They are unable to segment the speech streams into keyword units , lacking in bottom-up and top-down processing skills .

  24. 采用多重加权指数综合评价手段对本省某重点中学部分高一新生的体育锻炼、身体发育和文化学习成绩之间的关系进行了定量分析。

    Using the comprehensive evaluating method of multi-weighted index , this paper quantitatively analyzes the relationship among physical exercise , body upgrowth , studying results of first grade students of a key senior high school in one 's own province .

  25. 用编制的问卷首次调查中,高一新生对化学学习的兴趣不浓,对新课程所倡导的探究、合作、自主的学习方式陌生;

    Results : 1 . The initial investigation of the questionnaire showed that the students demonstrate only weak interest in learning chemistry , and were unfamiliar with the exploring , cooperating and autonomous way of learning advocated by new course ideas .

  26. 根据国家教育部的统一规划,内蒙古自治区从2009年秋季入学的高一新生开始,在全区普通高中学校全面实施新课程。

    According to the Ministry of Education of the unified plan , Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region plans to carry out the new curriculum on all sides in the entire region from the fall of 2009 which is the time when new students enter high school .

  27. 在高一这样一个特殊的学年中,面对高一新生这样一个在生理和心理上迅速发育的特殊群体,只有充分运用各种恰当的教学策略,才有可能有效避免学生的分化。

    In senior one , such a special stage , students are faced with rapid physical and mental development , so only by making full use of appropriate teaching strategies can the differentiation of students be effectively avoided .

  28. 初中升入高中是学生学习道路上的重要转折点,高一与初中数学教学衔接是每一位高中数学教师和高一新生所必需面临的难题。

    Junior high to senior high school is an important turning point on the students ' learning road . Senior high to junior high school mathematics teaching convergence is is a problem that every senior high school math teachers and fresh students of high school must face .