
The normal Education in the United Kingdom has a long history and it forms a more perfect teacher education system after having experienced a series of changes .
British teacher training sprouted at the end of 18 century , and due to the development of British elementary education , various teacher training institutions had since established .
The first chapter The Co-existing Church-Controlled and Privately Endowed Pattern : Early Teacher Training Institutions explains and discusses the process of the early British teacher training institutions starting from an early stage in their development to their shaping stage .
The thesis investigates the history and status quo of universities ' involvement in teacher education in England and Wales , and it also analyzes the traditional characteristics of universities and teacher education respectively and the development and change of relationship between universities and teacher education .
The second chapter " The Local Authority and Universities Cooperated Pattern : Day Training Colleges " expatiates the British formal teacher training institution , i.e. the growth and development of a day training college and its role and problems in the history of the British teacher education .