
  1. 英国的师范教育有着悠久的历史,经历了一系列的变革之后,形成了较为完善的师范教育体系。

    The normal Education in the United Kingdom has a long history and it forms a more perfect teacher education system after having experienced a series of changes .

  2. 英国的师范教育萌生于18世纪中叶,英国初等教育发展使各种师资的培训机构发展起来。

    British teacher training sprouted at the end of 18 century , and due to the development of British elementary education , various teacher training institutions had since established .

  3. 第一章教会与私立并存:早期教师训练机构,对英国早期的师范教育机构由萌芽阶段到逐步成型的发展历程进行梳理。

    The first chapter The Co-existing Church-Controlled and Privately Endowed Pattern : Early Teacher Training Institutions explains and discusses the process of the early British teacher training institutions starting from an early stage in their development to their shaping stage .

  4. 本文考察了英国大学参与师范教育的历史和现状,分析了英国大学与师范教育各自的传统及大学与师范教育关系的发展变化。

    The thesis investigates the history and status quo of universities ' involvement in teacher education in England and Wales , and it also analyzes the traditional characteristics of universities and teacher education respectively and the development and change of relationship between universities and teacher education .

  5. 第二章地方与大学合作:日间师资训练学院,阐述了英国培养教师的专门机构&日间师资训练学院的形成与发展及其在英国师范教育历史上的作用及存在的问题。

    The second chapter " The Local Authority and Universities Cooperated Pattern : Day Training Colleges " expatiates the British formal teacher training institution , i.e. the growth and development of a day training college and its role and problems in the history of the British teacher education .