
diǎn dī
  • a bit;crumb;drop;drip;a little;intravenous drip
点滴 [diǎn dī]
  • (1) [drip]∶掉下、漏出、外溢或挤出的成滴状的液体

  • (2) [a little;a bit]∶很小的,微不足道的

  • [intravenous drip] 输液

  • 他右手吊着点滴,腰下垫着冰枕,有气无力地躺在国泰医院667病房

点滴[diǎn dī]
  1. 电视天气预报节目画面设计体会点滴

    A bit of experience in picture design of television weather forecast program

  2. 常规仪器维护的经验点滴

    A bit of experiences for regular instrument maintenance

  3. 知识的点滴增长都会增进我们对世界的认知。

    Each increment of knowledge tells us more of our world .

  4. 65岁的因纽特人马里亚诺·塔加利克向我们讲述了她过去的生活点滴。

    Mariano Tagalik , a 65-year-old Inuit , told us a little about her past life .

  5. 最新调查发现,超过半数母亲和三分之一的父亲承认他们把养育孩子的点滴小事都分享在网络上。

    A new survey found that more than half of mothers and a third of fathers acknowledge that they share the ins and outs of raising their children online .

  6. 发送电邮、更新社交网站状态、刷信用卡、使用自动取款机等等行为产生的点滴数据构成一个人的数据影子。

    A data shadow is a minute pieces of data created when someone emails , updates social media profiles , swipes a credit card , uses an ATM , and so on .

  7. Fuzzy概率与信任函数点滴

    A little study of the fuzzy probability and the fuzzy belief function

  8. 点滴出血者在12月内T组多于V组。

    Spotting was more often in T group in 12 month .

  9. 包装CAD教学点滴

    Some Viewpoints on the Teaching of Packaging CAD

  10. X射线荧光光谱-点滴麦勒膜制片法测定金标准样品中金银铜锌

    Determination of Gold , silver , Copper and Zinc in Gold Standard Samples by Mylar Film-XRF

  11. ~(67)Ga放射性药剂中锌的点滴分析

    Chemical Spot Test of Zn for ~ ( 67 ) ga production

  12. 氯化萤光素(Fluoresceinchloride)对含氨基和杂环氮药物的点滴试验

    Spot test of amino - containing and heterocyclic nitrogen containing drugs with fluorescein chloride

  13. C组静脉点滴催产素20U。

    Group C were given oxytocin 20 U dripping intravenously .

  14. 网友称她励志狗,而纪录其生活点滴的微博GOGO小萨也在两周内引来3.7万粉丝。

    Netizens call her the " dog with determination " and the micro blog " Go Go Xiao Sa " recording her life has attracted more than 37,000 followers in two weeks .

  15. 院前溶栓组患者是在发病现场,诊断AMI后立即给重组链激酶150万U静脉点滴。

    The patients in treatment group were immediately given recombination streptokinase 15 million U by intravenous drip in AMI onset site .

  16. 这些不过是我从LinkedIn上看到的点滴内容,上面还有许多。

    Here are a few I scrubbed from LinkedIn , there are many more .

  17. 应用维生素K4治疗了22例寻常性银屑病,有效率为86.3%,其中泛发性点滴型银屑病的疗效最好。

    22 cases of psoriasis vulgaris were treated with Vitamin K_4 . The effective rate is 86.3 % , the generalized psoriasis punctate et guttate gets the best result .

  18. 重视汉英语法对比提高英语写作能力&2003年CET-4作文批改的点滴体会

    On the Improvement of English Writing by Comparing Grammars Between Chinese and English

  19. Drupal用户联盟-Drupal用户的网上家园,点滴记录Drupal历程!

    Drupal Union-drupal user 's online home , bit by bit drupal course record !

  20. 在过去的一年里,他通过Facebook留言板和个人推特向朋友、商业伙伴和家人传播点滴智慧。

    Over the past year he has been dispensing bits of wisdom to friends , business partners and family members via his Facebook wall and private Twitter stream .

  21. 一旦病例被选择,立即给予尿激酶200万u,(100万u静脉推注,100万u快速静脉点滴)。

    Once was chosen , The case was given UK 200 × 10 4u as soon as possible ( 100 × 10 4u intravenous injection , 100 × 10 4u intravenous transfusion ) .

  22. A组患者诊断为AMI后,在急诊科立即给予尿激酶(UK)静脉点滴,B组患者按常规办完入院手续后再按上述方法溶栓治疗。

    The patients in group A were immediately given urokinase ( UK ) by intravenous drip in emergency department . The patients in group B were given UK by intravenous drip after admission to the hospital .

  23. 有关Flory-Huggins理论的教学点滴

    Discussion on Teaching Method of the Flory-Huggins Theory

  24. 对供试的小菜蛾有明显活性,浓度为25mg/ml(点滴法),死亡率分别86.6%。

    The compound had a mortality of 86.6 % against Plutella xylostella larval at the concentration of 25mg / ml by means of topical application .

  25. 主要介绍建立GIS有线电视资源管理系统的点滴体会,阐述其必要性和设计原则,着重对主要设计系统功能进行描述。

    This paper mostly introduce experience of set up CATV network resource management system on GIS , and expatiate this system is very necessary and how to design it , in addition , emphasize description of mostly design function .

  26. 采用X-射线衍射(XRD)的方法测定氧化膜的组织结构,氧化膜的耐蚀性能通过点滴试验及3.5%NaCl溶液中的稳定电位来评定。

    The structure of the film is studied by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) . And corrosion resistance of the film is determined by drop test and corrosion potential in 3.5 % NaCl solution .

  27. 对照组应用1,6-二磷酸果糖(FDP)治疗,剂量250mg.kg-1,静脉点滴连用7天。

    The control group was given Fructose-1 , 6-diphosphate ( FDP ) 250mg · kg ~ ( - 1 ) intravenously for 7 days .

  28. Periscope是一款智能手机软件,用户可以使用视频功能记录生活中发生的点滴。

    Periscope , an app for smartphones , uses a video function to allow users to stream events live .

  29. 本研究发现临床麻醉剂量的异丙酚对体内过量的OFR有直接清除作用。开颅手术期间持续静脉点滴可减轻继发性脑损害而具有脑保护作用。

    The results showed that therapeutic doses of propofol had an effect on brain protection and acted as an OFR scavenger in vivo .

  30. 事实上,有几位家长已经打电话给我和校长支持Barbara和Anna,说他们看到孩子的点滴进步为这些老师感到自豪。

    In fact , several parents have telephoned me and Headmaster in support of Barbara and Anna , stating they are proud of these teachers and the progress the children have made .