
kàn yī shēng
  • see a doctor;consult a doctor
看医生 [kàn yī shēng]
  • [see a doctor] 〈方〉∶求医治病

  1. 我极力劝她去看医生。

    I tried to persuade her to see a doctor .

  2. 我婉转地建议他去看医生。

    I tactfully suggested he should see a doctor .

  3. 我本来不再想这事了,知道吗?可妈妈说我该看医生。

    And I didn 't think any more of it , right , but Mum says I should see a doctor .

  4. 如果是严重烧伤,就得去看医生。

    If you are badly burnt , seek medical attention .

  5. 我不喜欢为一点小毛病就去看医生。

    I don 't like to visit the doctor just for something trivial .

  6. 我得马上去看医生。

    I should go and see a doctor straight away

  7. 如果这些症状持续存在,一定要去看医生。

    If the symptoms persist , it is important to go to your doctor .

  8. 如果您的孩子出现任何患病症状,带她去看医生。

    If your child shows any signs of illness , take her to the doctor

  9. 你需要去看医生。

    You need to see a doctor .

  10. 弗雷德里克,你一定得去看医生。

    You must see a doctor , Frederick

  11. 她去看医生,医生建议她服用一个疗程的镇静剂。

    She went to her doctor , who offered to put her on a course of tranquillizers .

  12. 看医生的女性多于男性。也许男性更强壮或者顾虑要少一些?

    More women than men go to the doctor . Perhaps men are more robust or worry less ?

  13. 我们很多人都寄望于替代疗法,个中原因从女性看医生所遇到的困难可知一二。

    The difficulties women encounter with their doctors partly explain why so many of us are looking to alternative therapies .

  14. 他约好了看医生。

    He has an appointment to see the doctor .

  15. 她为儿子约定了看医生的时间。

    She made an appointment for her son to see the doctor .

  16. 这是一场分秒必争的赛跑,看医生是否能马上赶到失事的地点来挽救那个受伤的人。

    It was a race against the clock whether the doctor would get to the accident soon enough to save the injured man .

  17. 达夫勒建议人们去看医生,检查药物、健康问题和其他可能会影响记忆的因素。

    Daffner suggests going to your doctor to check on medications , health problems and other issues that could be affecting memory .

  18. B:是的,我去了。我昨天下午去看医生了。

    B : Yes , I did . I went to the doctor 's yesterday afternoon .

  19. 如果你感到不开心或不舒服,就去看医生。

    Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell .

  20. 有些人认为如果他们去看医生会显得很愚蠢。

    Some think they will look stupid if they go to see a doctor .

  21. 罗斯说:"不!我不去看医生。"

    Rose said , " No ! I 'm not going to the doctor . "

  22. A:你最好去看医生。睡眠对你的健康很重要。

    A : You 'd better go to see a doctor.Sleep really matters a lot to your health .

  23. "现在没那么摇摇晃晃了,我们不必马上去看医生。"

    " It 's not so wobbly now , we needn 't go to the doctor at once . "

  24. A:你睡不好觉的原因是什么呢?怎么不去看医生呢?

    A : Is there any reason why you can ' t get enough sleep ? Why not go to see a doctor ?

  25. 她又检查了一下她的牙齿,牙齿更不稳了,所以她说:"该看医生了。"

    She checked her tooth again and it was more wobbly , so she said , " It 's time to see the doctor . "

  26. 我觉得我得去看医生。

    I think I need to go to the doctor .

  27. 例句你不能因为这点小病就去看医生。

    You can 't go to doctors for that .

  28. 他要去看医生,因为他感觉有些不太舒服。

    He is going5 to the doctor because he is feeling a bit peaky .

  29. 你最好去看医生,我来帮你去诊所。

    You 'd better go and see your doctor.Let me help you to the clinic .

  30. 李今天早上不得不去看医生,所以他逃课了。

    Example : Lee had to go to the doctor 's this morning so he skipped class .