
bá yá shù
  • Tooth extraction;arrachement;odontectomy
  1. 目的探讨在矫治力作用下,拔牙术后牙槽骨的修复变化。

    Objective To investigate the change of alveolar bone recovery under the effect of corrective force after arrachement .

  2. 矫治力对正畸拔牙术后牙槽骨修复影响的探讨

    The influence of corrective force on alveolar bone recovery after operation orthodontic arrachement Approach Of indication of alveolar bone grafting

  3. TCI异丙酚镇静在牙科畏惧症小儿拔牙术的应用

    Application of target controlled infusion propofol sedation in dental fear children for dental extraction

  4. 无痛麻醉在拔牙术中的临床应用

    Clinical application of the computerized local anesthetic delivery system in exodontia

  5. 高速涡轮钻在拔牙术中的应用体会

    Application experience on high speed air turbine drill in tooth extraction

  6. 针刺麻醉拔牙术1048例次小结

    Summary on tooth extraction in 1,048 cases under acupuncture anesthesia

  7. 注射用血凝酶在抗凝血治疗患者拔牙术中的应用

    Haemocoagulase Atrox during Tooth Extraction in Patients with Anticoagulation Therapy

  8. 聚乳酸-羟基乙酸-辛伐他汀对拔牙术后剩余牙槽嵴吸收影响的实验研究

    Effect of simvastatin on residual ridge resorption after tooth extraction

  9. 不同高血压危险分层患者拔牙术的前瞻性分析

    Prospective Study on Exodontias in Different Risk Stratification of Hypertensive Patients under Electrocardiograph Monitoring

  10. 拔牙术中帮助吸除唾液、血液,确保术野清晰;

    Helping to removing blood and sputum in extraction and ensuring clear operational sight ;

  11. 老年心血管病患者拔牙术的多参数监测结果分析

    Clinical study of multiple parameter monitoring of exodontias in aged patients with cardiovascular diseases

  12. 阿是穴Nd:YAP激光镇痛拔牙术

    The use of Nd : YAP laser irradiation at Ashi point for analgesia in drawing-tooth

  13. 羟基磷灰石复合酸性胶原在拔牙术后修补作用的观察

    Observation on reparation of the alevolar with hydroxyapatite compound acidic collagen cavity after tooth extraction

  14. 结论:双氯芬酸钾用于拔牙术后疼痛的治疗是有效和安全的。

    Conclusions : diclofenac potassium is an effective and safe agent for treatment of pain following dental surgery .

  15. 目的探讨口腔颌面外科门诊患者对3种方式的拔牙术后医嘱的依从性。

    Objective To compare the patient 's compliance to different kinds of instructions from the oral surgeon after tooth extraction .

  16. 口腔卫生状况是影响儿童拔牙术前焦虑水平及术中行为级别最重要的因素。

    Oral hygiene condition is the most important predictor of anxiety level before extraction and clinical ratings of behavior during extraction .

  17. CDM-V型针麻参数分析仪用于拔牙术161例次效果观察

    On the observation of effects in 161 cases of tooth extraction by using CDM type & v acupuncture apparatus with analysing parameters

  18. 目的对常规拔牙术中乙型、丙型肝炎病毒污染情况进行调查,进一步控制医源性感染。

    Objective To investigate the contaminative status of Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C virus during dental extraction , so as to further control nosocomial infection .

  19. 结果证实实验组拔牙术后出血、干槽症等并发症的发生率明显低于对照组。

    The results was assessed in doubled-blind way , and demonstrated that the incidence rate of complications was lower in experimental group when comparing to control group .

  20. 高速涡轮机拔除下颌阻生智齿临床疗效观察丙泊酚用于无痛拔牙术拔除阻生智齿的临床护理

    The clinical observation of the extraction of impacted mandibular third molar by high-speed turbine Nursing of Patients Undergoing Extraction of the Extraction of Impacted Wisdom Tooth After Propofol Anesthesia

  21. 结果拔牙术后牙槽骨愈合良好,在矫治力的作用下,牙槽骨不断出现增生和吸收,并且高度降低。

    Results There was a good recovery of alveolar bone after arrachement , and under the effect of corrective force , the hyperplasia and absorption continually occurred with height reduction .

  22. 目前针麻下颅窝手术、颈椎前路手术、甲状腺手术、拔牙术等已通过部级科研成果鉴定,进入常规麻醉手术行列。

    Cranial fossa , anterior cervical and thyroid operations and exodontia under acupuncture anesthesia have passed the ministry-level appraisal of scientific research achievements and entered the range of routine surgical anesthesia .

  23. 100例拔牙术后流血病例临床分析结果表明:拔牙后流血多数发生在术后2~12小时,特别是当日夜晚;

    The results of a clinical analysis of 100 cases of post tooth extraction bleeding suggested that the bleeding time be 2 ~ 12 hours after the tooth ex - traction , especially during the same night .

  24. 835例拔牙患者术中血压变化

    Observation of the change of blood pressure in 835 patients during extraction of teeth

  25. 结论口腔健康宣教能显著减轻拔牙患者术前焦虑。

    Conclusion The dental health instruction was effective to release dental anxiety of patients undergoing tooth extraction .

  26. 脱细胞组织补片修复口腔黏膜缺损的临床研究异体脱细胞组织补片置入拔牙创预防术后并发症

    Study on Reconstruction of Mucous Membrane Defects with Acellular Dermal Allograft Clinical Study of Prevention of Postoperative Complications by Acellular Dermal matrix Embedded in Socket after Tooth Extraction

  27. 结果即刻拔牙与保守治疗术后相比较,前者48小时内疼痛的相对危险度和可信区间分别为0.24和0.12~0.50。

    Results Comparing with traditional treatment of pericoronitis , RR and CI of immediate extraction after operation were 0.24 and 0.12 ~ 0.50 relating to pain respectively .

  28. 拔牙创口腔组织补片植入对患者拔牙术后生活质量影响评价

    Evaluation of the Effect of Oral Tissue Substitution on the Quality of Patients ′ Life after Teeth Extraction

  29. 结论:拔牙创局部使用口腔组织补片在一定程度上降低了患者术后的不良反应,提高了患者拔牙术后生活质量。

    CONCLUSION : Using oral tissue substitution on the teeth extraction wounds could reduce the complication of teeth extraction and improve the quality of patients ′ life .