
  • 网络cogging;drawing out;drawing
  1. 从而为自动拔长的程序编制提供了理论模型,使自动拔长成为可能。

    Then it provides the theoretical model for automatic drawing programming so that automatic drawing can be possible .

  2. 平砧自由锻拔长效率研究

    Research on Drawing Efficiency in Free Forging

  3. 水平V型砧连续拔长工艺的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of continuous stretching with horizontal v-shaped anvils

  4. 此文用塑性泥作模拟材料,进行了压扭复合锻造和不对称V型砧拔长的工艺实验。

    The experiments of twist-compression forging and unsymmetrical V-shape die forging are made using plasticine .

  5. 新FM法拔长工艺参数匹配研究

    Study on processing parameter matching of new FM forging

  6. 以ANSYS软件为平台,分别利用凹面砧、平砧两种砧型对方坯拔长进行三维数值模拟。

    In this paper , based on ANSYS , the 3-Dimension stretching process for square blank using concave anvil and flat anvil is simulated separately .

  7. 利用有限元软件模拟了V型砧的锻造拔长过程,并对不同夹角的V型砧压下后锻坯塑性变形区内应力、应变的状态进行比较。

    The V-anvil drawing process of large forgings was simulated using FE software , and the stress-strain distributions in the plastically deforming area were compared after different V-anvils drawings .

  8. 无论是平砧拔长还是新FM锻造法,都要对料宽比加以控制,才能实现横向无拉应力锻造。

    Only when the blank width ratio is confined , can no crosswise tension stress forging be realized , regardless of flat platen stretching or the new FM forging method .

  9. 模拟计算表明,与普通平砧和普通V砧相比,凹面平砧和凹面V砧拔长能够增大心部的变形量,改善心部的应力状态,并明显减小压下率。

    Results show that compare with cogging process using common flat anvil and common V anvil , using concave flat anvil and concave V anvil can increase the deformation at the center of the billet > improve the stress state of the center part and greatly decrease the reduction .

  10. 铝合金筒体锻件芯轴拔长工艺及生产特点

    Core Axis Pulling Process and Characteristic for Cylindric Aluminum Alloy Forging

  11. 平砧拔长矩形截面毛坯的理论

    Theory of Stretching a Blank with Rectangular Cross Section between Flat Tools

  12. 液压机自动锻造时平砧拔长工艺的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of Automatic Forging in Hydraulic Press with Flat Tool

  13. 新拔长理论工艺参数的量值匹配与确定

    Quantity matching and determination of technological parameters of the new stretching theory

  14. 四砧拔长辅具及自动拔长的数学模型研究

    Study on Four-Anvil Reducting Auxiliary Tool and Mathematical Model of Automatic Reduction

  15. 确定该合金最佳拔长锻造比为3~4。

    The optimum drawing forging ratio for the alloy is 3 ~ 4 .

  16. 凹面砧方坯拔长研究

    Study on the Stretch in g Process for Square Blank with Concave Anvil

  17. 平砧拔长过程中坯料的展宽规律及计算机程序控制

    Program-controlled Spreading on the Large Billets during Flat Die Drawing out Forging Processes

  18. 平砧拔长矩形截面毛坯横向应力控制的试验研究

    Experimental study on controlling transverse stress of stretched rectangle blank with flat anvil

  19. 磨辊轴平砧拔长时孔洞闭合的模拟研究

    Numerical simulation of voids crushing in stretching process using flat anvil for grinding roller shaft

  20. 研究在不同砧宽比、料宽比下平砧拔长的应力状态。

    Stress status of flat tool stretching is determined with various tool width ratios and blank width ratios .

  21. 建立了圆坯拔长锻造的运动许可速度场与应变速率场。

    The kinematically admissible velocity field and strain rate field for extension forging of rounds have been established .

  22. 并进一步解决了该拔长理论工艺参数量值的合理匹配与确定。

    The problem of the reasonable matching and determination of the technology parameters of the stretching theory is further solved .

  23. 轴类大锻件的锻造过程分为压方、拔长和倒棱滚圆三大步骤。

    The whole forging process of long-axis heavy forging was divided into three steps , including squaring , stretching and chamfering-rounding .

  24. 本文在锻造新工艺理论与技术的指导下,应用三维弹塑性有限元研究了拔长和倒棱工序。

    Guided by the new forging theories and technologies , 3D elastoplastic FEM is applied to research of stretching and chamfering .

  25. 实际生产中,需要采用拔长工艺来改善或者消除大型连铸坯中的空洞缺陷,以得到高质量的锻件。

    In practical production , stretching process must be used on heavy forgings to minimize or eliminate the voids to get qualified products .

  26. 实验结果表明,利用凹面砧拔长,锻件心部能够获得更大的变形量,对空洞的压合效果更好。

    Results show that cogging using concave anvil can increase the deformation at the center part of the billet and can press holes more effectively .

  27. 锻造是成形重要结构件的重要方法,其变形工步主要有镦粗、拔长、滚挤、预锻。

    Forging is a very important formation method of significant structural item . Heading , drawing-out , rolling extrusion , dummying are the mainly deformation processes .

  28. 锻造拔长问题则进行温度场和变形力能的交替遗传计算来模拟变形与传热之间的互相影响。

    The drawing of forging was simulated the influence one another of deformation and heated transference through genetic calculation by turns of temperature field and forming energy .

  29. 拔长是大型锻件生产中的基本工步和修复缺陷的主要工步,拔长工步中对缺陷修复效果影响最大且易于控制的因素是砧子的形状。

    Stretching is a main approach for void crushing in large forging process and the shape of anvil is the major and the most easily controlled factor affecting the recovering .

  30. 经1200~1220℃的高温加热,12小时的高温扩散,出炉停留5分钟以上,然后镦粗、拔长锻造的锻造工艺,得到成品材。

    Then they are heated to 1200 ~ 1220 ℃, diffused for 12 hours , kept over five minutes out of furnace , forged and drawn , finally become finished products .