
  • 网络uv absorber
  1. 主要研究结论如下:(1)紫外光吸收剂对沥青的物理流变性能具有明显的影响。

    The main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) The physical and rheological properties of bitumen are significantly influenced by the UV absorbers .

  2. 这归因于紫外光吸收剂的加入改变了沥青的化学组成,使沥青向溶胶态转变,沥青质在轻组分中得到了较好的溶解。

    This can be ascribed to the changes of bitumen fractions affected by the UV absorbers . The asphaltenes are well dissolved by the light fractions and the bitumen tends to be sol .

  3. 用维生素A作紫外光吸收剂试制防晒营养霜

    Sunscreens and Skin Care Cream Formulation with Vitamin A as Ultraviolet Absorbent

  4. 结论薄膜包衣处方中加入紫外光吸收剂对药品避免光解起到了十分明显的效果、可有效抑制药物降解。

    Conclusion Adding some ultraviolet ray absorbefacient to the prescription of membrane surface has obvious effect to restrain the degradation of medicine .

  5. 紫外光吸收剂对不同沥青的抗老化性能表现出较为复杂的影响。

    The UV absorbers can improve the ability of bitumen to resist cracking . ( 2 ) The aging evaluation reveals that the effects of UV absorbers on aging properties of different bitumen are complex .

  6. 介绍了一种抗A紫外光线A波段化合物(抗A紫外光吸收剂)的合成方法,并通过元素分析、质谱、紫外等测试手段,对合成化合物进行结构分析和功能鉴定。

    This paper reports the synthetic method of an Uv-A ultraviolet absorbent , 4-methyl-4 ′ - methoxy-dibenzoyl methane ; the construction and function of the ultraviolet absorbent was verified by chemical element analysis , MS and UV instrument test .