
  • 网络Seeing You on and on
  1. 她把布摸了又摸,看了又看,说这布不错。

    She felt and looked at the cloth again and again and praised it .

  2. 接下来的很长一段时间里,他们只是把威伯看了又看,然后才朝夏洛看去。

    They stared and stared for a long time at Wilbur . Then they stared at Charlotte .

  3. 我看了又看-可是很少想到

    I gazed - and gazed - but little thought

  4. 你的信,我都看了又看。

    I read and reread all your letters .

  5. 观众看了又看。

    Viewers watched it again and again .

  6. 我看了又看,却没有扔掉。我还再在乎些什么呢?

    I stared at them for a long while , but I still did not throw them away .

  7. 我盯着女孩看了又看,她干干净净的,所以我想她一定会爱护我的。

    Staring at my girl looked and looked , she was clean , so I think she will love me .

  8. 她看了又看,然后看着我尖叫起来。

    She looked , and she studied , and she looked , and she studied , and she looked at me and screamed !

  9. 我几乎每天都听到家长们在抱怨说,这些孩子看了又看那些电视广告,结果他们都去买那些他们根本用不着的产品。

    Almost every day I hear parents complain that the commercials they see over and over again brainwash the kids into buying stuff they don 't really need .

  10. 我拿起她的手好似专家的样子看了又看,她说太难看了,不必看了。

    I have taken up her hand to seem as if expert 's appearance takes a look on that again and again , her doctrine very disgraceful , has watched unnecessarily .

  11. 他的运气并不比头一位大臣的好:他看了又看,但是那两架空空的织机上什么也没有,他什么东西也看不出来。

    It was just the same with this gentleman as with the minister ; he surveyed the looms on all sides , but could see nothing at all but the empty frames .

  12. 跟他来的全体随员也仔细地看了又看,可是他们也没有看出更多的东西。不过,他们也照着皇帝的话说:“啊,真是美极了!”

    All his attendants , who were with him , looked and looked , and although they could not see anything more than the others , they said , like the emperor ," It is very beautiful . "

  13. 我想你的工作每天并不是令你最精神抖擞的事情,但是如果你发现自己总是在工作的时候,不断地看了又看自己的社交媒体网站,让我们来面对这样一个问题:你可能每天完成的工作不多。

    I get that work probably isn 't the most exciting thing going on in your day , but if you find that you 're constantly checking and re-checking your social networks at work , then let 's face it : you 're probably not getting much done .

  14. 爱丽丝对这些不知该说什么好。她一边思考这事儿,一边喝了点茶,吃了点黄油面包。睡鼠醒了一会儿又睡过去了。过了一会儿,制帽人掏出自己的手表,摇晃了一下,很伤心地看了又看。

    Alice did not know what to say to this.So she took some tea and some bread-and-butter while she thought about it.The Dormouse woke up for a minute and then went to sleep again.After a while the Hatter took out his watch , shook it , then looked at it sadly .

  15. 三个人互相看了看,又看了看米切尔。

    The three looked at : each other , then at Mitch .

  16. 他看了看瑞拉又看了看凯。

    He looked at Rilla and then at Kiah .

  17. 我看了看地图,又看了看里程表。

    I looked at the map and than at the milometer .

  18. 他看了看鱼,又看了看男孩。

    He looked at the fish , then at the boy .

  19. 她看了看相片,又看了看那几张纸。

    She looked at the photographs and read the papers .

  20. 商店里的女店员看了看信,又看了看爱德。

    The lady in the store looked at the letters and then at ed.

  21. 女警察看了看阿兰,又看了看轮椅,然后又把目光落回在阿兰苍白的脸上。

    The policewoman looked at Alm , then at the wheelchair , then back at Alan 's white : face .

  22. 巡官看了一会儿男子,又看了一会儿女人,仿佛看了水保的话不是谎话,就不再说话了。

    The officer looked at husband and wife in turn , then said no more , taking the warden 's word for it .

  23. 她看了看詹姆斯,又看了看诺埃尔先生,接着说:“她曾经诅咒过一个小孩儿,后来,就在那一年,小孩儿死了。”

    She looked at James , and then she looked at Mr Nowell . 'She cursed a child once , and the child died later that year . '