
  1. 明朝看天下雨今夜落几寸。

    To see many raindrops there tonight , if raining were found the next morning .

  2. 幸福又常常像昙花,用许多年的泪与汉,掺上心血浇灌,才会有笑看天下的一刻!

    Epiphyllum well-being and as often , with many years of tears and Han , blood-doped on the water , will be the world Xiaokan moment !

  3. 《看天下》的快速崛起首先得益于准确的市场定位,瞄准了可供中产阶层轻松阅读的新闻杂志在市场上空白,采用了文摘杂志和新闻杂志相结合的策略。

    Thanks to its accurate market position , Vista aimed at the market vacancy of the news magazine for the taste of the middle class , and resorted to the integrated strategy of abstract journal and news magazine .

  4. 你看,天下没有免费的午餐。

    You see no one really receives something for nothing .

  5. 这一时期,从表面上看,天下统一,国力强盛。

    In this period , seemingly , the world was united , and the national power was strong .