
jìn zì qī
  • impregnating varnish
  1. 聚酯型H级阻燃无溶剂浸渍漆性能的研究

    Study on a new class H flame-retardant solventless UPR impregnating varnish

  2. H级双马来酰亚胺无溶剂浸渍漆

    Study on a Class H Solventless Bismaleimide Impregnating Varnish

  3. 桐油-亚胺H级绝缘浸渍漆的研制

    Studies on H-Grade Insulating Impregnating Varnish Prepared From Tung Oil-imide Copolymer

  4. 改性聚胺&酰亚胺H级浸渍漆的研制

    Study of The Modified Poly ( Amino-Imide ) H-Grade Impregnating Varnish

  5. 桐油-聚酰亚胺H级绝缘浸渍漆的改性和表征

    Modification and characterization of Tung oil-polyimide H-grade insulating impregnating varnish

  6. H级不饱和聚酯亚胺无溶剂浸渍漆的研究

    Research of class H unsaturated polyester-imide solventless impregnating varnish

  7. 新型F级低温快固化有溶剂浸渍漆的研制

    Study on a new class F low temperature fast-curing solvent impregnating varnish

  8. 高、低压电机通用F级无溶剂浸渍漆

    General class F solventless impregnating varnishes for both high and low voltage motors

  9. 结果表明:该新型H级阻燃无溶剂浸渍漆具有阻燃性能好、电气绝缘性能佳、低温快固化的特点;

    The results showed that the impregnating varnish had good flame-retardant properties , and it could be cured quickly at lower temperature .

  10. 采用加入自制烯基阻燃树脂组份的新方法,合成了一种新型的H级阻燃无溶剂浸渍漆。

    The vinyl-flame retardant resin and thermal-resistant UPR were mixed in styrene ; a new class H flame retardant solventless impregnating varnish was prepared .

  11. 论文介绍了一种新型F级低温快固化有溶剂浸渍漆的合成及其工艺性能,对该漆性能的影响因素进行了分析。

    This paper studies the formula and some properties of a new class F low temperature fast curing solvent impregnating varnish .

  12. 本文介绍了F级快固化无溶剂绝缘浸渍漆的合成及工艺性能,并对有关问题作了简单的分析。

    This paper introduces the synthesize and technical properties of a new class F fast curing solventless Insulation Impregnating Varnish , and analyzes related problem simply .

  13. QY聚酰亚胺漆包线,槽绝缘、槽楔、绝缘套管、引接线及浸渍漆等均需采用H级绝缘的材料。

    QY polyimide enameled wire , slot insulation , slot wedges , insulation casing , primer wire and impregnating varnish must be used , such as H-class insulation material .

  14. 525F级无溶剂浸渍漆的应用研究

    The Application Researchs about Class 525F Solventless Impregnating Varnish

  15. 用豆油酸生产1032三聚氰胺醇酸浸渍漆

    Modification of 1032 melamine alkyd impregnating varnish with soybean oil acid

  16. 无溶剂浸渍漆的选用原则

    The Experiences in the Selection and Usage of Solventless Impregnating Varnish

  17. 耐高温航空微电机线圈浸渍漆研制

    Study on A Heat Resistant Impregnating Varnish for Aircraft Micromachine Coil

  18. 改性不饱和聚酯浸渍漆贮存期的研究

    Research on the storage life of modified unsaturated polyester varnish

  19. 快速固化B/F通用浸渍漆的研制

    Study on fast setting of B / F impregnating varnish

  20. 环氧聚酯亚胺型无溶剂绝缘浸渍漆的研究

    Study on solventless impregnating varnish of epoxy / unsaturated polyester / imine type

  21. 糠醇改性聚酰亚胺绝缘浸渍漆的研究

    Studies-on Immersion Coating of Polyimide Modified by Furfuryl Alcohol

  22. 所研制的浸渍漆具有良好的热稳定性及电气绝缘性能,可满足电机电器的使用要求。

    The varnish can be used for high temperature motors and electrical equipments .

  23. 节能浸渍漆在电焊机上的应用

    Application of Energy Saving Painting in Welding Machine Industry

  24. 节能型快速固化浸渍漆的研制

    Study on solidify speedily varnish for save energy

  25. 苯并恶嗪无溶剂浸渍漆的研制

    A Novel Solventless Impregnating Varnish Based on Benzoxazine

  26. GB/T11027-1999有溶剂绝缘漆规范单项材料规范对热固化浸渍漆的要求

    Specification for insulating varnishes containing solvent-specifications for individual materials-requirements for hot curing impregnating varnishes

  27. 耐高温无溶剂绝缘浸渍漆的研究

    Study on heat-resistant solventless insulating impregnating varnish

  28. 无溶剂漆是中小型电机线圈常用的浸渍漆。

    Solventless varnishes are often used for impregnating the coils of middle and small motors .

  29. 作用通过试验分析,筛选出不饱和聚酯亚胺树脂体系的少胶粉云母带和浸渍漆的绝缘组合,取得了良好的效果。

    Authors select unsaturated polyester-imide resin system as motors insulation and have obtained good effect .

  30. 但作为绝缘材料使用的粘合剂和浸渍漆在纳米改性方面的研究还鲜有报道。

    The research on modified nanometer is seldom reported at insulation adhesive and impregnating varnish .