
jìn rùn
  • infiltrate;infiltration;soak;calumny
浸润 [jìn rùn]
  • (1) [soak]∶液体渐渐渗入或附着在固体表面

  • 春雨浸润着田野

  • (2) [calumny]∶也指谗言

浸润[jìn rùn]
  1. P53基因蛋白在消化道肿瘤中的表达同浸润深度与转移的相关性观察

    The expression of P53 gene protein in carcinoma of alimentary canal and its depth of soak and the metastasis of cancer

  2. 在惯性约束聚变(ICF)靶设计中要求制备能浸润液体氘-氚燃料的泡沫球壳。

    To meet the requirement for inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) targets , the foam shells can soak liquid deuterium-tritium fuel are needed .

  3. 春雨浸润着田野。

    The spring rain is soaking into the fields .

  4. 肿瘤环绕结肠四周浸润肠壁

    The tumor encircles the colon and infiltrates into the wall .

  5. 图示转移性黑色素瘤浸润到心肌

    The metastatic melanoma is seen here to be infiltrating into the myocardium .

  6. 脊髓血管增粗;脊髓血管周围可见淋巴细胞浸润,形成一层套膜(苏木精-伊红染色,原始放大倍数X250倍)

    Thickening and perivascular lymphocytic cuffing of cord blood vessels . H and E X250 .

  7. NF-κB在单核组织细胞性白血病浸润中的作用研究

    Role of NF - κ B in Cell Infiltration in Mono-histiocytic Leukemia

  8. 2例小B细胞淋巴瘤患者伴间质淋巴瘤细胞浸润。

    Interstitial lymphoma cell infiltration was found in 2 small-cell B lymphoma patients .

  9. 儿童白血病肾浸润的CT和B超表现

    Leukemic infiltration of the kidneys in children : CT 、 US manifestation

  10. 螺旋CT三期扫描对进展期胃癌胃壁浸润的研究

    Gastric Wall Invasion in Advanced Gastric Cancer : A Study with Triphasic Spiral CT Scanning

  11. 结果VEGF的表达与肿瘤间质微血管密度之间存在正相关性,二者均与膀胱移行细胞癌的病理分级显著相关,浸润性肿瘤明显高于浅表性肿瘤(P<0.05);

    Results The expression of VEGF in bladder carcinoma was positively correlated to the tumor interstitial vascular density ;

  12. MRI对粘膜下病变以及肿瘤向深部组织浸润的发现有重要的价值。

    It was very useful to study submucosal lesions and tumor infiltration into adjacent tissue with MRI .

  13. Shock绒毛间质明显水肿,重度炎细胞浸润和充血。

    Animals in Shock showed magnified interstitial edema in villus , severe-grade inflammatory cells infiltration and congestion . 5 .

  14. 目的探讨进展期胃癌胃壁浸润CT分层征象的病理学基础。

    Objective To explore the pathological basis of CT " laminated sign " about gastric wall invasion of advanced gastric cancer .

  15. NF-κB对肠缺血再灌注肝损伤P-选择素表达和中性粒细胞浸润的作用

    Effect of nuclear factor - κ B on P-selectin expression and neutrophil infiltration in liver injury induced by intestinal ischemia / reperfusion in rats

  16. 低场MRI判断Ⅰ期子宫内膜癌肌层浸润深度的应用研究

    The Value of Low Field Strength MRI in Evaluating the Invasion of Myometrium of Endometrial Carcinoma in Staging ⅰ

  17. 结果在失血性休克和LPS刺激后肺部出现明显的中性粒细胞浸润、红细胞渗出。

    Results Hemorrhagic shock and LPS-challenge induced lung neutrophil infiltration and erythrocyte effusion .

  18. 目的:运用磁共振成像(MRI)定量检测骨髓增强前后强化率,研究急性白血病患者骨髓浸润性病变,探讨MR成像在诊断急性白血病骨髓浸润中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical value of MRI quantitative assessment with gadolinium enhancement in detecting the bone marrow infiltration of acute leukemia .

  19. 目的:探讨低张食管水充盈法CT检查对食管癌浸润纵隔脏器的诊断标准和应用价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the diagnostic standard and clinical value of the CT scan with water-filling method in esophageal carcinoma with mediastinum viscera invasion .

  20. 实验性变态反应性神经炎周围神经浸润CD4(+)T细胞的凋亡

    Apoptosis of CD4 ( + ) T cells during experimental autoimmune neuritis in Wistar rats

  21. 大鼠局灶脑缺血和(或)再灌流模型中IL-1β的表达及其与白细胞浸润的关系

    Changes of IL-1 and Leukocyte Infiltration in Model of Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion of Rats

  22. VEGF表达在食管鳞癌的生长、浸润和转移过程中起重要作用;

    VEGF takes an important role in the proliferation , infiltration and metastasis of squamous carcinoma of esophagus .

  23. 结果MRI对宫旁浸润判断的准确度为94%,特异度为96%,敏感度为90%。

    Results The accuracy , specificity , and sensitivity of parametrial invasion were 94 % , 96 % and 90 % , respectively .

  24. 高水平的VEGF表达与肿瘤的浸润性生长、浆膜浸润、淋巴结转移和肝转移具有明显相关关系。

    High VEGF expression was significantly related with the infiltrative growth pattern , serosal invasion , lymph node and liver metastasis .

  25. 心肌炎主要是由柯萨奇B组病毒等嗜心性病毒感染引起的心血管系统的常见病,心肌病理主要表现为心肌灶性坏死、纤维化和大量单个核细胞浸润。

    Myocarditis is mainly induced by a cardiotropic variant of coxsackievirus group B. Myocardial pathology injury is charactered by myocardium necrosis , fibrosis and Infiltrated by a mumber of mononuclear cells .

  26. MCC上皮细胞有不典型增生,浸润性生长。

    MCC show epithelial atypia and invasive growth of tumor cells .

  27. 本文研究并合成了用作玻璃纤维浸润剂成膜组分的不饱和聚酯树脂ZR。

    ZR unsaturated polyester resin used as a glassfiber sizing film former has been studied and synthesised .

  28. 分析乳腺浸润性导管癌(IDC)的声像图特征,提高超声对IDC的诊断价值。

    Objective To analyze sonographic characteristics of infiltrative ductal carcinoma ( IDC ) .

  29. Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ级浸润性导管癌中ER基因的甲基化阳性率分别为0%,43%,82%(p<0.05);

    The methylation-positive rates of grade ⅰ、ⅱ and ⅲ breast cancer were respectively 0 % , 43 % , 82 % ( p ﹤ 0.05 ) for ER .

  30. 目的:认识儿童非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)及白血病肾脏浸润的各种CT表现。

    Purpose : To understand the various CT findings of renal involvement of non-Hodgkin lymphoma ( NHL ) and leukemia in children .