
  • 网络digestion
  1. 本文研究用酶法和热浸提法从啤酒废酵母中提取甘露糖蛋白。

    The mannoprotein was extracted from waste brewer 's yeast by heat-extracted and enzymatic digestion .

  2. 化学连续浸提法对土壤中Zn和Mn化学形态的研究

    Studies on the Forms of Zn and Mn in Soil by Means of Sequential Chemical Extraction

  3. 其提取方法主要有3种:水蒸气蒸馏法、机溶剂浸提法和超临界CO2萃取法。

    Three main extracting methods are steam distillation , solvent extraction and super critical CO2 extraction .

  4. 超临界CO2萃取法的提取率是14.13μg/g,是用乙醇浸提法提取得率(4.26μg/g)的3.32倍。

    The yield was 14.13 μ g / g by SFE-CO2 methods 3.32 times of ethanol dipping method ( 4.26 μ g / g ) .

  5. 采用溶剂浸提法和超临界CO2萃取技术对漆籽中漆蜡(油)提取方法进行了研究。

    Lacquer wax ( oil ) was extracted from lacquer seed using solvent extraction process in combination with supercritical CO_2 extraction technology .

  6. 因此,就提取丢糟中主要酯类成分的效果来看,CO2超临界萃取法优于酒精热浸提法。

    Based on the above results , it is suggested that the CO2 - SFE method is better than heat extraction method .

  7. 结果:(1)改良加热浸提法对可溶性Pb的回收率为98.9~103%,相对标准偏差小于8.3%。

    Results : ( I ) Heat immersion had 98.9-103 % callback rates for soluble lead and its RSD less than 8.3 % .

  8. 目前提取姜油树脂的主要方法有:溶剂浸提法、压榨法、流体CO2浸提法和超临界CO2萃取法。

    Right now , the main means to extract oleoresin ginger are solvent extraction , compression process , fluid CO2 solvent extraction and supercritical CO2 extraction .

  9. 茶籽油提取工艺研究分别用水-酶法、有机溶剂浸提法和超临界CO2萃取法提取茶籽油。

    Study of tea seed oil extraction : The tea seed oil was extracted separately with aqueous-enzyme method , organic solvent method , and supercritical CO2 method .

  10. 采用多种溶剂浸提法从大豆粕中提取大豆异黄酮(SI),并经薄层色谱和高效液相色谱与标准品比较鉴定后,在高血脂动物实验中观察了SI对大鼠血凝调节的影响。

    Soybean isoflavones ( SI ) were prepared from soybean meal with an extracting procedure in several solvents , and identified by comparison with SI reagents from Sigma company in TLC and HPLC .

  11. 研究结果表明:1、有机溶剂浸提法、超声波提取法和CO2超临界萃取法对苦荞麦芦丁提取率分别为94.78%、93.15%和44.56%。

    The organic solvent soaking , the ultrasonic wave extraction process and the CO2 supercritical extraction method to the lutin from tartary buckwheat extraction rate respectively was 94.78 % , 93.15 % and 44.56 % .

  12. HPLC分析表明超临界萃取法较有机溶剂浸提法可以提取更多的化学成分,但黄酮提取率与有机溶剂浸提法相比还差11%左右。

    Analysis of SC-CO2 extract by HPLC showed SC-CO2 extraction can extract more chemical components compared with solvent extraction , but the extraction rate with SC-CO2 extraction was less 11 % than that with solvent extraction . 4 .

  13. 热水浸提法的最佳参数为料液质量比1∶10,于100℃下浸提1h,米糠多糖得率为0.7%;

    The optimal extraction processing parameters for hot water extraction were the ratio of water to sample 10 ∶ 1 , temperature 100 ℃ and extraction time 1 hour , and the yield was 0.7 % .

  14. 与溶剂浸提法相比,微波法提取使每次提取时间由常规浸提的2h减少为40s,产率从3.066%增加到3.178%。

    Compared with solvent extraction , the extractive rate was increased from 3.066 % to 3.178 % with the extraction time decreased from 2 h to 40 s by the use of microwave .

  15. 在内蒙古不同的草原生境条件下,采用氯仿熏蒸浸提法对土壤微生物生物量&碳(MB-C)进行了测定分析。

    The microbial Biomass C ( MB-C ) in soil of different habitats of steppe were determined by an extraction method .

  16. 结果表明:猕猴桃籽含29.20%的脂肪,机械压榨法、溶剂浸提法和超临界CO2萃取法3种方法对猕猴桃籽油的提取率分别为20.0%、26.9%和28.3%。

    The result indicated that , the kiwi fruit seed fat is 29.20 % , and with the mechanical compression , the extraction solvent and the supercritical CO 2 extraction , the kiwi fruit seed oil extraction rate respectively is 20.0 % , 26.9 % and 28.3 % .

  17. 结论:(l)儿章文具和玩具的可溶性铅检测中,前处理方法加热浸提法比振荡浸提法提高了测定效率,结果也更准确,适于大量样品的检测。

    Conclusions : ( I ) During detecting lead in stationery and toys , Heat immersion was better than vibration immersion by shortening detection hour , increasing efficiency and having more correct results .

  18. 采用连续浸提法将硼泥中的硼划分为七种物理形态,即:水溶态、醇溶态、盐溶态、络合态、硫酸盐等结合态、Fe-Mn结合态及残渣态。

    The sequential chemical extractions have been developed for partitioning of boron in the boron sludge into seven fractions : water soluble , ethanol soluble , salt soluble , chelate , sulfate combined , Fe-Mn combined and residual species .

  19. 与传统的浸提法相比,时间由24h缩短为30s,色素产率由15.2%增加为16.87%,微波辅助提取色素具有时间短、耗能低、提取率高等优点。

    Compared with traditional extraction methods , the microwave-assisted extraction reduces extraction time from 24h to 30s and increases extraction yield from 15.2 % to 16.87 % . So the microwave extraction technique possesses advantages of short time , low energy consumption , and high extraction rate .

  20. l、化学溶剂浸提法提取番茄中抗氧化色素的工艺条件为:以丙酮一乙酸乙酯为溶剂低速搅拌浸提90min。

    [ Results ] 1 The optimum technological parameters which extracted antioxidant pigments from tomato in chemical extraction procedure were as follows : The radio of solid and liquid ( acetone : ethyl acetate ) was 1:5 ;

  21. 采用热水浸提法从枸杞干果中提取枸杞多糖,经正交实验确定浸提时间、温度、料水比最优值分别为:5h、100℃、1∶40;

    Lycium barbarum polysaccharide were extracted by the methods of water extracting , and the optimum extraction technology was determined by orthogonal experiments . The optimum parameters to extract were as follows : the extracting time 5h , temperature 100 ℃, ratio of water to material 1 ∶ 40 ;

  22. 本试验以陕西安康的桑椹果渣为原料,研究了溶剂浸提法、微波萃取法及超声波提取桑椹红色素的最佳工艺;研究了LSA-21大孔吸附树脂纯化桑椹红色素的纯化工艺;

    The optimal parameters of extracting mulberry red pigment by solvent , microwave and ultrasonic wave , the purification parameters of pigment by LSA-21 macroporous resin , the stability and antioxidation in vitro of pigment have been studied in this paper .

  23. 微波浸提法对黄芩苷的提取效率明显优于常规煎煮法。

    The microwave extraction is apparently superior to the traditional method .

  24. 目前有95%以上的大豆是用溶剂浸提法加工的。

    Today more than 95 % of beans processed are extracted .

  25. 浸提法提取蜂蛹油脂的研究

    Study of the Condition of Extracting Oil from Honeybee Pupae

  26. 连续带渣浸提法提取天然烟碱

    A continuous nicotine extraction process without removing the dregs of tobacco leaves

  27. 连续化学浸提法测定底泥中不同形态汞的探讨

    Sequential chemical extraction for speciation of mercury in river sediments

  28. 提取过程分别研究传统浸提法和超声提取法。

    During the extraction process , two different methods were researched and compared .

  29. 浸提法与超声波提取法提取栀子黄色素的比较

    Comparison between ethanol and ultrasonic extraction method used in extraction of gardenia yellow

  30. 研究了乙醇浸提法从干辣椒中提取辣椒素的最佳工艺条件。

    The optimum process of extracting capsaicin from chilli with ethanol was studied .