
  1. “由于外汇储备增速继续高于gdp,这一趋势显然在加速,”梁红说。

    " The trend is clearly accelerating as the reserves continue to grow faster than GDP , " she said .

  2. 然而,高盛公司的经济学家梁红认为以M2来测算低估了游弋在中国周边流动性资金的规模。

    But Hong Liang , an economist at Goldman Sachs , reckons that the M2 measure of money understates the amount of liquidity sloshing around in China .

  3. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)驻香港的中国经济学家梁红表示,扩大人民币汇率浮动区间,是中国汇率改革过程中一个具有象征意义、但值得赞许的进展。

    Hong Liang , Goldman Sachs ' China economist in Hong Kong , says the band widening is a symbolic but laudable development in China 's foreign exchange reform .

  4. 高盛(goldmansachs)的梁红表示,通胀压力还有一个更传统的来源,即“已经超出潜能”的经济还在不断加速增长。

    Inflationary pressures are also coming from a more traditional source , an accelerating economy " already running above its potential " , according to Hong Liang , of Goldman Sachs .

  5. 但高盛(GoldmanSachs)中国区经济学家梁红(HongLiang)估计,过去18个月,由于息差方向逆转,中国央行每月在票据上的损失约为40亿美元。

    But Hong Liang , Goldman Sachs China economist , calculates the PBoC is losing about $ 4bn a month on its bills because of the turnround in the interest rate differential over the past 18 months .

  6. 高盛(goldmansachs)驻香港经济学家梁红表示:“话虽如此,但我们相信,潜在的贸易增长势头比我们预期中的更强劲。”

    Hong Liang , an economist with Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong , said : " however , that said , we believe the underlying growth momentum in trade is firmer than we expected . "

  7. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家梁红表示:我们相信,中国经济也许实际上已经度过了增长势头略显低迷的时期,可能将走上一条逐渐反弹的道路。

    We believe the real economy may have already passed through the trough of a shallow correction in growth momentum , and will likely be on a gradual rebound path , said Hong Liang of Goldman Sachs .