
  • 网络Yongshun;Wing Shun
  1. 民族地区宗族组织对新农村建设的影响&以湘西永顺县土家族村寨Q村为例

    Impact of Lineage Organization in Ethnic Areas on the Construction of New Countryside

  2. 突出强势品牌加快发展永顺茶业经济

    Accelerate the Advantage of Strong Brands to Highlight Yongshun Tea Industry

  3. 湖南永顺地区早奥陶世碳酸盐台地边缘沉积

    Marginal carbonate deposition of Early Ordovician in yongshun , Hunan Province

  4. 永顺县土家族文化资源保护与利用现状调查

    Present Situation of Protecting and Using Tujia Cultural Resources in Yongshun County

  5. 民族地区残存宗族组织的现状剖析&以湖南永顺县羊峰乡青龙村土家族社区为例

    An Analysis of the Left Religious Organizations in Minority Areas

  6. 湖南永顺县艾滋病防治健康教育效果评价

    HIV / AIDS Related Health Education Evaluation in Yongshun County , Hunan

  7. 永顺落叶木莲开花与结实物候学研究

    Study on the phenology of blooming and fruiting of Manglietia deciduas Q.Y.Zheng

  8. 在永顺的家庭成员之中,他的字写得最整齐。

    Yongshun writes the most neatly among his family members .

  9. 离开永顺时,每位专家均获赠了玉米良种。

    Each expert was given improved corn varieties when leaving .

  10. 永顺县旅游资源深度开发初探

    Probe into the Deep Development of the Tourist Resources in Yongshun County

  11. 永顺县落叶木莲花的形态学研究

    Study on Morphology of Manglietia deciduas in Yongshun County

  12. 民族文化的多元互动&永顺县苗寨、双凤、儒家三村民俗调查所见所思

    Interaction of Ethnical Cultures & Investigation of the Folklores in Three Villages of Yongshun County

  13. 永顺县不二门的优质矿泉水及开发利用建议

    The Bu'ermen super-quality mineral water in Yongshun County and some proposals about its exploitation and utilization

  14. 典型山区县域生态系统生态安全评价&以湖南省永顺县为例

    Ecosystem ecological security evaluation of mountainous county : Taking Yongshun county , Hunan as an example

  15. 端砚石、歙砚石、苴却砚石和永顺三叶虫砚石是我国南方代表性的砚石资源。

    The representative inkstone resources in south China are the Duan , She Juque and Yongshun ones .

  16. 因山就势共生共融&永顺县行政中心设计

    Conform to the Mountain , Grow and Fuse Together & Design of Administration Center in Yongshun County

  17. 第三章、具体对永顺县挖土锣鼓歌的音乐特征做出分析研究与归纳,具体从其旋律音调、结构形式及伴奏乐器等方面展开论述。

    Thirdly , Analytical study on the musical characteristics about melodic tone , structure , form and accompaniments .

  18. 永顺县优质石英型砂矿床地质特征及成矿条件分析

    Geologic feature of a super quality foundry quartz sand deposit in Yongshun County and analysis of its metallogenic conditons

  19. 永顺有较大面积的天然林,植物种类丰富,森林类型多样。

    Yongshun has a larger area of natural forests , with the characteristics of rich species , diverse forest types .

  20. 县域旅游资源定量评价与整合开发策略&以湘西古丈、永顺两县为例山东古文化遗址之:博兴丈八佛

    Quantitatively Evaluation of Tourism Resources and Integrated Exploitation Strategies in County Regions & Taking Guzhang and Yongshun County as an Example

  21. 芙蓉古镇位于土家和苗族自治区西部的永顺县。

    Furong Ancient Town Furong Town or Hibiscus Town is located Yongshun County of Western Hunan Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture .

  22. 凤凰古镇紧邻苗族村落德夯,永顺的猛洞河以及贵州省的梵净山。

    Fenghuang Ancient Town is adjacent to Dehang Village of Miao Nationality , Mengdong River of Yongshun and Fanjing Mountain of Guizhou province .

  23. 民族地区的村民自治存在的问题及对策&以湖南西部永顺司城村为例

    Villagers ' Autonomy in Ethnic Areas : Problems and Countermeasures & Taking Sicheng Village of Yongshun in the west of Hunan Province for Example

  24. 不二门公园既是永顺县城郊公园,又是猛峒河风景名胜区的中心。

    Bu'ermen Park is a suburbs park in Yong Sun county Hunan Province and the center of the famous landscape area of Mong Dong River .

  25. 园林建筑的生成模式和地域特色&湖南省永顺县观音寺的案例研究

    The Generating Pattern and the Territorial Features of Landscape Architecture & A Case Study of the Temple of Avalokitesvara ( Guan Yin ) in Yongshun County , Hunan Province

  26. 本文对永顺楠木林群落植物区系、群落学特征、生态学特征等方面进行了研究。

    This paper discusses and studies the following aspects of Machilus and Phoebe communities in Yongshun : the flora of community , the characteristics of community , the ecological features and so on .

  27. 对楠木林群落演替阶段、演替程度、演替规律等方面的研究表明,楠木林群落系演替程度较高的稳定性群落,为永顺当地的顶极群落之一。

    Studies on the succession stage , succession degree , succession law of the Machilus and Phoebe communities , demonstrate that Machilus and Phoebe communities are a kind of stable one , with a high succession degree . And they are also one of the local climax communities in Yongshun .