
  1. 永川豆豉中高产蛋白酶菌株的筛选鉴定及液体培养条件的研究

    Yongchuan Fermented in High-yield Strains of Protease Screening and Identification of Liquid Culture Studies

  2. 永川豆豉中大豆异黄酮的提取工艺研究及成分分析

    Study on the Optimum Extraction Technology and Analysis of Soybean Isoflavonoid of Lobster Sauce

  3. 本产品选用优质鲜椒和正宗永川豆豉为原料,以其独特的传统工艺精制而成。

    The Product , which utilizes quality fresh chili and the famous Yongchuan fermented soya , is made with unique traditional techniques .

  4. 开展毛霉永川豆豉的食俗特色研究,对构建豆豉产品的文化营销模式、发展旅游业意义十分重大。

    The study on eating customs of Mucor-fermented Yongchuan Douchi is quite significant for the construction of cultural marketing model and the development of tourism based on Douchi .

  5. 重中之重是要深化和发展品牌与顾客之间的关系。(7)永川豆豉企业应具有忧患意识,把危机预防作为日常工作的组成部分。

    And the priority is to deepen and develop the relationship between brand and customers . ( 7 ) Enterprise should have a awareness of unexpected development , and take crisis prevention for an integral part of daily work .

  6. 目前,永川毛霉豆豉的研究,主要集中在其生产工艺和功能成分上,对其颜色主要物质黑色素的研究少有报道。

    At present , research on Yongchuan Mucor fermented soybeans , mainly in the production process and functional components , research on its main color material melanin rarely reported .