
  1. 说得跟真的一样,我是你爸爸。

    Like hell you are ! I 'm still your father .

  2. 我是你爸爸,我是头。

    I 'm your father . I am ... the head .

  3. 如果我是你爸爸的话,我就不会给你那钱了。

    Were I your father , I would not give you the money .

  4. 我是你爸爸。

    I 'm still your dad , you know ?

  5. 我是你爸爸的朋友。

    I 'm friends with your daddy .

  6. 我是你爸爸.堂堂美国大总统.只要我想追踪就可以追踪.

    I 'm your father . And the president . I 'll trace whatever I wanna trace .

  7. 你为什么不告诉我这是你爸爸送的生日礼物呢?

    Why didn 't you tell me it was a birthday present from your Dad ?

  8. 我理解我是你爸爸的同事

    I understand . I 'm your dad 's partner .

  9. 是的,彼得自豪地说,我,我是你的爸爸;

    Yes , he said proudly9 , I , I am your father ;

  10. 他的爸爸听了非常生气,说:我,我是你的爸爸;

    His father got7 angry and said , I , I am your father ;

  11. 我觉得那是因为你爸爸的原因。

    I think it 's because of your dad .

  12. 我是叫保安送你爸爸回屋的。

    I had to get security to escort your father to his room .

  13. 我是说我想你爸爸到不了这里了

    I mean , I don 't think your dad 's gonna make it .

  14. 我去看的原因是「我是你爸爸」(我第一次看他们演出的舞台剧)让人印象深刻。

    I went to it because I Am Your Dad , the first play I watched by them , was impressive .

  15. 我不是你女朋友,赛斯,我是你爸爸。

    I 'm not your girlfriend seth ; I 'm your father .

  16. 你,你是我的学生。他的爸爸听了非常生气,说:我,我是你的爸爸;

    You , You are my student His father got angry and said , I , I am your father ;