
  1. 对,但我是科学家。

    Lightman : Yeah , but I 'm a man of science .

  2. 如果我是科学家,我就会研究如何控制降雨。

    Were I a scientist , I would study how to control the rain .

  3. 我是科学家,慈善家

    I am a scientist and a philanthropist .

  4. 我是个科学家,因此吸引你。

    I 'm appealing to you as scientists .

  5. 你忘了我是首席科学家。

    You forget I 'm the chief scientist .

  6. 他说,你要知道我是疯狂科学家。

    He says , Well , you know , I 'm in the mad scientist business .

  7. 我是个科学家我从不糊弄真理那位置是我的。

    I am a scientist . I never apologize for the truth . That 's my spot .

  8. 我是个科学家,我进行文献查找却一无所获,但是她上网后很快遇到有同样状况的人。

    " I 'm a scientist . I did literature searches , and nothing could be found . " But online she quickly met people with the same condition .

  9. 我是说“科学家”这个词怎么可能是1833年才出现的?

    I mean , how could the word scientist not have existed until 1833 ?

  10. 我是一名科学家。

    I am a scientist .

  11. 我是一个计算机科学家,从事的领域是人工智能(AI)。

    I 'm a computer scientist , and the field that I work in is artificial intelligence .

  12. 我是一个脑科学家,而作为一个脑科学家,

    I 'm a brain scientist , and as a brain scientist ,

  13. 我以前是一个科学家。

    In my previous life , I was a scientist .

  14. 举办这项赛事,最让我惊讶的是一些科学家现在就在和舞蹈演员直接合作开展研究。

    The most surprising thing that I 've learned while running this contest is that some scientists are now working directly with dancers on their research .

  15. 但因为我是宽厚的疯狂科学家,在折磨你之前,我会先让你失忆。

    He says , But because I 'm a generous mad scientist , before I torture you , what I 'm going to do is give you amnesia .

  16. 也许你所信奉的不无道理,但它与我无关,我是个科学家,仅仅是个科学家。

    Possibly there is truth in what you believe , but it does not concern me . I 'm a scientist , and only a scientist .

  17. 别管我是怎么发现的,我是科学家。

    Never mind how I found out . I 'm a scientist .

  18. 我不是蹩脚博士!我是疯狂科学家!

    I 'm not a quack ! I 'm a mad scientist !

  19. 嘿,不仅仅是我一个人那么做,我的意思是科学家和解说员从来不能坐在一起的。

    Right ? But hey , it 's not just me , I mean the scientists and the tour guides never sit together .

  20. 我不必开口说,“我是一个电脑科学家。”

    I don 't have to say , " I 'm a computer scientist . "