
jiǎ fāng yǐ fāng
  • Party A and Party B;the first party and the second party
  1. 究竟《还是甲方乙方》这种延续经典的片名和网络红人凤姐在合作中会擦出怎样的火花呢?

    What will happen when Still Dream Factory , an extend of the classic title cooperate with the network stir Sister Feng ?

  2. 甲方乙方共同签署外国专家局合同及本附件即视为乙方最终接受本学校的聘用,成为本学校员工。

    Party A and Party B 's signing of contract issued by National Bureau of Foreign Experts and its appendix is the final acceptance of Party B as an employee of the This School .

  3. 甲方聘请乙方为教师进行英文授课。

    Employee employed by engager as a teacher to teach English .

  4. 合同的甲方和乙方都是谁啊?

    Who are the Party A and the Party B in contracts ?

  5. 甲方聘用乙方为外籍英语教师。

    Party A wishes to engage Party B as a foreign teacher .

  6. 甲方和乙方按照中华人民共和国的法律建立合营企业。

    The expenses of organizing Joint Venture shall be equally borne by Party A and Party B.

  7. 据此,甲方和乙方经协商一致,达成如下协议。

    Now , therefore , through mutual discussion , the Parties have reached the following agreements .

  8. 甲方为乙方办理有关社会保险手续,并承担相应社会保险义务。

    Party A shall do necessary social security process for party B and take social security responsibility .

  9. 法庭判令甲方就乙方所受损失给付一万美元的赔偿金。

    The court ordered Party A to pay $ 10,000 damages to Party B for the loss sustained .

  10. 甲方根据乙方需要配备司机服务或提供有关车辆的其它服务。

    According to Party B 's request , Party A shall provide chauffer service and related vehicle services .

  11. 甲方委托乙方修建一座铝制品厂,包括建立一条自动生产线。

    The first party entrusts the second party with building an aluminum factory including an automatical production line .

  12. 甲方给予乙方的最惠国待遇不包括他给予邻国的特殊待遇。

    Party a shall grant party b mfn treatment which do not include privilege accord the neighboring countries .

  13. 甲方和乙方都同意这份协议的英文版本是优先考虑受控的版本。

    6The company and recipient agree that the English language version of this document is considered the controlling version .

  14. 在投投标和合同执行过程中,甲方对乙方的指令都将由甲方指定代表以书面形式给出。

    In the period of bidding and contract , all instructions from buyer to contractor shall be given in written .

  15. 佣金:根据本协议,在甲方和乙方之间直接交易将不付佣金。

    Commission : No commission shall be paid for direct transaction between Party A and Party B under this Agreement .

  16. 甲方授予乙方独占许可证,利用上述专利证书中的发明专利制造产品。

    Party A grants Party B an exclusive license to manufacture products by using the invention of the said letter of Patent .

  17. 例如,甲乙双方签订协议,而甲方声称乙方违约。

    For example , A and B have entered into an agreement , and A claims that B has breached the agreement .

  18. 第五条甲方对乙方派出的人员进行必要的岗前培训。

    The fifth article first party the personnel who sends out before the second party carry on the essential hillock to train .

  19. 新的租赁关系只能由甲方和乙方通过签订新的书面协议来设立。

    A new tenancy shall only be created by a fresh tenancy agreement in writing signed by the Party A and the Party B.

  20. 如乙方要求提前解约,甲方扣留乙方已付保证金后,则本合同自动终止。

    If Party B wishes to terminate this Contract early , Party A will hold the Deposit and this Contract shall be automatically terminated .

  21. 征聘有经验的销售代理人。(广告语言)甲方委托乙方为销售代理人,推销下列商品。

    Experienced sale representative want . Party A hereby appoint Party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below .

  22. 经甲方对乙方提出的产品代理申请进行考察,同意接收乙方为甲方的产品代理商。

    Party A agrees to accept Party B as the agent of Party A 's products after Party A reviews product agency applications proposed by Party B.

  23. 甲方委托乙方翻译(文件名)共页,由(中文或英文,原始语言)翻译成(目标语言)。

    Party A appoints Party B to translate the ( document name ) of pages , from ( source language ) to ( target language ) .

  24. 在每季度结束后一个月内,合营公司应向甲方和乙方提供该季度合营公司的财务报表。

    The JV Company shall provide Party A and Party B with the JV Company 's quarterly financial statements within a month after each calendar quarter ends .

  25. 本合同是为甲方和乙方及其各自合法的继承人和受让人的利益而签订的,对他们均有法律约束力。

    This contract is made for the benefit of Party A and party B and their respective lawful successors and assignees and is legally binding on them .

  26. 甲方和乙方之间就本协议产生的或与之有关的任何争议应提交有管辖权的人民法院进行审理。

    Any dispute between Party A and Party B arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to the people 's court having jurisdiction .

  27. 评估的产品:甲方按乙方许可生产“网络设计,监督和管理,便民服务,维持和平协商”的产品。

    C.assessment of products : Party A according Party B Licensed production " Network design , supervision and management , Convenience Services , Peacekeeping consultation " products .

  28. 除另有约定外,甲方为乙方发布的广告均由双方同意的独立第三方进行发布情况监测。

    Except as otherwise stipulated , all advertisements released by Party A for Party B shall be monitored by the independent third party as agreed by both Parties .

  29. 办公室免租期为30天,自乙方获得签证,甲方通知乙方入驻办公室之日起计算。

    Free leasing period of the office is30 days from the date when Party B obtains the visa and Party A informs Party B of entering into the office .

  30. 在认证过程中甲方因乙方责任的任何损失,其索赔的赔偿费将不得超过甲方的认证审核费;

    For the losses of Party A caused by the failure of Party B , the compensations claimed by Party A shall not exceed the assessment fee paid by Party A.