
  • 网络consultancy company;idea company
  1. 首先做个自我介绍吧,本人是点子公司的总经理。

    First of all , to be a self-introduction it , I was general manager of the company 's ideas .

  2. 起初他是一家为顾客确立安保管理机制工作出点子的公司。

    At first it is a company which provides ideas for customers to establish security management system .

  3. 点子是小公司得以跟大公司竞争,甚至获胜的秘密武器。

    Ideas are the secret weapon that allows small businesses to compete with and beat larger companies .

  4. 贝佐斯推行“想到就做”的项目以鼓励员工创新,奖励那些想出和执行新点子来帮助公司的人,并且这些想法无需事先获得上级许可。

    Bezos promoted innovative efforts among his employees through the Just Do It program , which rewarded those who came up with and executed ideas that helped the company -- without first obtaining permission from their bosses .

  5. 那些领域曾经有过很多有趣、但让人心碎的故事,某人从一个精彩的点子出发,开办公司。

    There is a precedent for exploiting some of those things with very interesting and heartbreaking stories of someone starting a company based on a wonderful idea .

  6. 谷歌的工程师们需要时时涌现好点子,所以,公司就给他们营造了良好的工作环境。谷歌的新办公室看起来就像是个兄弟会,这样的办公环境能出成绩吗?拭目以待吧!

    Google needs its engineers to come up with brilliant ideas , and to help them do that apparently a work environment like the Big Brother House will do the trick .