
  • light;light up;lighten;Lit
  1. 那间空房里有一点亮儿。

    A light gleamed in that deserted house .

  2. 这个反激电压足以点亮LED。

    This flyback voltage is sufficient to light the LED .

  3. 焰火将点亮夜空。

    The night skies will be aglow with fireworks .

  4. 晚上点亮的灯笼在黑暗中发出柔和的光。

    The night lantern glowed softly in the darkness

  5. 取而代之的是,一些非洲和亚洲的乡村社区见证了他们的第一批电灯由储存在电池里的太阳能点亮。

    Instead , some in Africa and Asia are seeing their first lightbulbs illuminated by the power of sunlight stored in batteries .

  6. 当夜幕降临时,红色、蓝色和其他颜色为这座被成千上万个霓虹灯指示牌点亮的城市蒙上了一层雾蒙蒙的微光。

    When night falls , red and blue and other colors cast a hazy glow over a city lit up by tens of thousands of neon signs .

  7. 他们欢快的歌声点亮了许多冬日。

    Their cheery song brightens many a winter 's day .

  8. 再黯淡的日子都可以被你的笑容点亮。

    Your smile can brighten up the most dullest of days .

  9. 笑声点亮了四面风;

    Your laughing shines the wind on either side ;

  10. 今年是决胜全面建成小康社会、决战脱贫攻坚之年,全国广大教师用爱心和智慧阻断贫困代际传递,点亮万千乡村孩子的人生梦想,展现了当代人民教师的高尚师德和责任担当。

    This year is the time to secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieve the goal of poverty alleviation and sense of responsibility of contemporary teachers .

  11. 最后一个字节点亮并锁存所有奇数LED。

    The last byte illuminates and latches all odd-numbered LEDs .

  12. 你会看到发射机的指示灯B与E已经被点亮。

    You will see the light transmitter B and E has been lit .

  13. 当电脑启动完成,你会看到发射机的指示灯C被点亮了。

    When completed restart your computer , you 'll see the light C transmitter was illuminated .

  14. 跑马灯实验:利用计数器轮流点亮LED灯,实现各种动态效果。

    Marquee experiment : the use of counter rotating light LED lights , to achieve a variety of dynamic effects .

  15. 首个此类产品原本会是一个可用智能手机应用点亮的发光二极管(LED)灯泡。

    The first of these products was meant to be an LED lightbulb that could be turned on using a smartphone app .

  16. 按下电筒头部电源开关,LED灯源点亮,再按一下即可关闭。

    Press the power switch at the top of the flashlight to light on the LED indicator . Press again to switch off .

  17. 推导出具有实物面的高温辐射体温度和CCD像素点亮度之间的关系。

    The formula between temperature of the objects having real surface and luminance of the pixels in the CCD image is deduced .

  18. 数据寄存式LED显示屏控制器的主要设计思想是设法延长LED的点亮时间,达到提高显示屏亮度的目的。

    In order to increase brightness of the data register LED display screen , the main design thoughts are trying to delay light time to every LED .

  19. 然后利用有限元分析手段,研究了高功率LED器件正常点亮和高温回流条件下,金锡合金焊层上的热应力分布变化。

    Furthermore , FEA is used to research the variety of thermal stress on the gold-tin eutectic solder layer between the normal power dissipation and the high temperature reflow process .

  20. 今天早上打开QQ,火炬点亮的图片遍地都是。

    Open QQ this morning , the good friend that the picture that torch illumes is .

  21. 其显示模块采用单片机串行输出,以分时动态扫描方式点亮21块LED数码管和4个发光二极管。

    The displaying module is designed with serial output of one chip computer , 21 pieces of LED nixie light and 4 pieces of LBDs were lighted up by the way of dynamic time-sharing scan .

  22. 高压逆变压器高压逆变器常用在点亮LCD、打印机电源、电蚊拍等低压变高压的电路中。

    Inverter of high-voltage Inverter of high-voltage is commonly used in LCD , power supply for printers , electrical mosquito racket and other electrical circuit of low voltage .

  23. 帝国大厦落成之时,是美国总统赫伯特胡佛(herberthoover)为其点亮灯光。

    It was US President Herbert Hoover who turned on the lights once the Empire State building was done .

  24. SOA和云计算之间的紧密合作点亮了运行时SOA治理的重要性,这固然很好,但是为了它而忽视了设计时治理似乎有失妥当。

    It is great that closer alliance between SOA and cloud computing is illuminating the importance of run-time SOA governance , but doing this at the expense of design-time governance does not seem right .

  25. LED灯点亮后,薄膜可以将灯光引导到整个屏幕上。

    Using a combination of LED lights and a thin film that sits atop the entire screen , the LEDs pipe out light , and the film acts as a conduit , distributing that light across the screen .

  26. 当鼠标勾选单灯控制区复选按钮时,同理通过串口传输数据,相应的LED点亮,取消勾选后该灯熄灭。

    When the mouse to check the single lamp control area on the check button , the same way to transfer data through the serial port , the corresponding LED lights up , un-check after the light turns off .

  27. 据NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗报道,点亮星星后总统将耶酥与纳尔逊·曼德拉的故事联系到一起。

    As NPR 's Ari Shapiro reports the stars came out to the president linked a story of Jesus to that of Nelson Mandela .

  28. 针对OLED的工作原理,选择合适的基底和阴阳极材料,进行实验室制备,实现实验性的单点点亮。

    According to the working principle of OLED , choose appropriate basement and cathode anode material to make materials preparation , so as to achieve experimental lab single little light . 4 .

  29. CCFL由于是玻璃制品,很容易受到外界的冲击造成损坏,从而造成模块无法点亮。

    CCFL , the material of which is glass , is easily to broken by outer striking , and makes Module not to be lighted .

  30. 送来的信号经放大、A/D转换、进入CPU处理单元,再根据仪表内设置的零点和量程等参数运算,计算出当前测量值,送至译码器,经驱动电路,点亮数码管。

    Data received will be sent to CPU after magnifying , and A / D switching . Then current measured values are calculated in accordance with zero point & scale set in the devices and sent to decoder which turns on numeral tubes through driving circuit .