
  • 网络Knowledge Elite;an intellectual elite
  1. 弗雷德喜欢自认为是知识精英。

    Fred likes to consider himself a member of the intellectual elite .

  2. 《围城》:现代知识精英的神话破灭

    Besieged City : the Overturn of the Myth of the Modern Intellectual Elite

  3. 他们是这届政府中唯一的知识精英。

    They are the only intellectual heavy weights in the government .

  4. 1949年后知识精英与国家的关系&从院士到学部委员

    The Relationship between Intellectual Elites and the State after 1949

  5. 战时中国知识精英对战后处置日本问题的若干思考

    Some Thoughts of Chinese Intellectuals on the Disposal of Japan after the War

  6. 论中国早期知识精英对马克思主义的选择性传播

    On the Selective Dissemination of Marxism by the Elitist Intellectuals in Early Modern China

  7. 民国成立后,自由主义更为中国知识精英所广泛信仰。

    After Republic of China had been established , liberalism China knowledge outstanding person widespread belief .

  8. 她和当地一个英国人结婚,这使得他们一家跻身于知识精英行列。

    Her marriage to an Englishman there began the family 's ascent into the educated elite .

  9. 唐代佛学为唐代知识精英构筑其思想空间提供了积极的准备。

    Tang 's Buddhism give the positive preparation for the Tang 's knowledge elite to build the ideology room .

  10. 民国新型知识精英群体救国反应比较研究&以袁世凯时期二十一条交涉为中心

    The Comparative Study on the Response of National Salvation of New Intellectual Elites in the Time of Republic of China

  11. 拉祜族知识精英在文献资料缺乏的情况下,利用神话因素重建民族历史的努力,遇到历史与神话难以截然分开的难题。

    Without many historical documents , the intellectual elite of the Lahu Nationality tried to reconstruct their history by using some myths .

  12. 知识精英利用他们所掌握的专业知识参与新闻舆论监督,其科学论证维护了意见所指的唯一性,使其意见可以被大众准确的理解。

    Their opinion can be understood accurately by the populace , because their scientific examination has defended uniqueness which the opinion refers to .

  13. 每个人都可以进来,不分身份和背景的商店取代了知识精英常去的亲密的小餐馆。

    Instead of intimate shops catering to a knowledgeable elite ," these were stores " anyone could enter , regardless of class or background .

  14. 中国现代文学中的“知识精英文学”是文学领域中的”借鉴革新派”,而“市民通俗文学”则是“继承改良派”。

    The literary works created by the intelligentsia in Chinese modern literary history are the school of innovation by using the experience of ancient literature .

  15. 李香君形象的演变反映的是知识精英对于历史记忆的一种选择,也显示了历史记忆之于现实的巨大作用。

    The evolution of the image reflects the intellectual elites ' selection of historical memory , and also displays the great effect of reality on historical memory .

  16. 知识精英阶层打破了原初文学的和谐态,赋予雅文学中心地位,使文学主流走向成为围绕雅文学的创作与生成;

    The intellectual elites break the original harmony of literature and establish the central position of serious literature , and thus make it become the main current .

  17. 一方面,对于现代性的诉求,在新启蒙叙事中得到延续,只不过欲望主体被知识精英取代。

    On the one hand , the demands of the modernity continue in the new Enlightenment narrative , but the desire subject is replaced by the knowledge elite .

  18. 五四时期的知识精英们面对鲜明的时代主题给出自己明晰的回应,做出了特殊而宝贵的思想贡献。

    The knowledge elites of the period of the May Fourth Movement provided their own distinct response in the face of the distinct era theme and had made special and valuable thought contribution .

  19. 知识精英的文字记载与国家旌表在社会效果上殊途同归,成为有效的教化手段,弥补了国家旌表的不足。

    The records by the intellectuals have the same function as that of the government and as a method of education , they were the complement of the formal history of the government .

  20. 以往只有权势阶层和知识精英拥有话语权,而网络则使普通公众包括弱势群体、边缘群体也拥有了某种话语权。

    The only power class and intellectual elite have the right to speak , and the network so that the general public including vulnerable groups , marginal groups also has a right to speak .

  21. 究其原因,乃是因为立足于学习西方进行借鉴革新的现代知识精英的文学史构架,对侧重于面向传统进行继承改良的现代通俗文学的排斥。

    The reason might lie in the structure of literary history of modern intellectual elites who base on the western study , and who exclude the modern popular literature which inclines to the tradition .

  22. 寻求富强的中国知识精英,逐渐形成了一个关于西方政治之学的明确概念。

    Chinese intellectual elites seeking to make China strong gradually acquired a clear notion of Western political science , although a uniform concept as such did not exist in the West at the time .

  23. 与此同时,对于传统知识精英在新的知识空间角色功能的转化给予了充分的阐述,从而呈现出知识精英和一般公众在新的知识空间中互动机制的变化。

    At the same time , the role and function of intellectual elites in the new knowledge space is restated , the interaction mechanisms between intellectuals and general publics in the new knowledge space are presented .

  24. 从新文化运动的主体来看,新文化运动包括两个方面:一是知识精英创造新文化,它涉及到新文化的建设方向和如何创造新文化;

    Generally speaking , the New Culture Movement involves two aspects : the intelligent elite then created the New Culture , which included the direction of the New Culture and the way of creating the New Culture ;

  25. 在这样一个混乱但又充满活力的年代里,作为知识精英的晚明士人们开始了对于传统思想、社会现实以及生命本身的深刻反思。

    In such a chaotic but dynamic era , as the intellectual elite of the late Ming Dynasty began with the traditional thinking of the people , the social reality and the profound reflection of life itself .

  26. 在民国时期,受西方人士影响,中国的知识精英认为麻风是国家的耻辱,并和外国的传教士共同开设了一些民间救治机构,病人自愿入院。

    In the Republic of China era , influenced by westerners , Chinese elites took leprosy as national disgrace , and established some civil medical institutions with foreign churchmen , which accept those volunteer to go to it .

  27. 整个这一过程反映了主流文化与区域文化之际的互动关系,由此回应西方汉学界认为地方知识精英在南宋趋于关注地方事务的论断。

    The whole process reflect the interaction of mainsteam culture and margin District culture , and this could respond for the viewpoint of Western Sinology scholar that local intellectual elite tend to pay more attention to local business .

  28. 知识精英的意见表达由于具有知识的度量以及严密的逻辑论证,对分散的大众意见也起到迅速整合、形成舆论多数的关键作用。

    The opinion expression of intellectual elites has the knowledge measure and strict logic of argumentation . It plays the crucial role of rapid conformity to the scattered populace opinion and forms the public opinion to be most .

  29. 自晚清以来的中国知识精英对国家独立,民族解放的政治理想追求都是建立在对中国现代性的追求之上的,是建立在与世界最发达的民族国家的文化认同上的。

    The intellectuals since late-Qing have been seeking the ways of the national independence and liberation . The culture during this period is founded on the basis of identity with the developed countries as well as pursuing the Chinese modernity .

  30. 如何在国家话语、精英话语和大众话语之间达到良性共生,是电视文化产生以来就困扰着知识精英的忧思,也是本文的期盼。

    It is puzzling knowledge elite how to achieve the benign co-existence among the national discourse , the elite discourse and popular discourse since the TV culture appeared , and it is also what we are expecting in this article .