
kè fánɡ bù
  • House Keeping Department;Guest Room Affairs Department
  1. 这不是客房部员工的责任。

    This is not the responsibility of housekeeping staff .

  2. 如果发现如何物品应该马上打电话给客房部办公室。

    Immediately call the Housekeeping Office when any item is found .

  3. 询问客房部是否发现客人的丢失物件。

    Contact the Housekeeping Department and ask if the item was found .

  4. 我们客房部有很好的托婴服务。

    Our Housekeeping Department has very good baby-sitting service .

  5. 然后订房信息被发送给客房部和酒店的会计部。

    The room-booking information travels to the housekeeping department and the hotel 's accountants .

  6. 喂,你是不是客房部呢?

    Hello , is this housekeeper ?

  7. 我是客房部服务

    I 'm the housekeeping service

  8. 将房间使用表的复印件分别交给客房部、保安部和接线员。

    A copy of the House Use Accommodation Form will be passed to Housekeeping , Security and Operator .

  9. 在这种情况下,旅店仍然要保持一个客房部,但是工作人员的数量可以尽量少。

    In this case , hotel shall still have a Housekeeping Department but to a minimum number of staff .

  10. 接到火警呼叫,当班客房部员工应立即通知行政管家及主管。

    In the event of a fire alarm , the Executive Housekeeper and all shift leaders must be informed immediately .

  11. 意思是说上午好,新世纪大酒店,客房部,我是小张,请问我可以为你做什么吗?

    Good morning , New Century Hotel , Rooms Division , I Zhang , can I do for you anything ?

  12. 我毕业实习时,在白天鹅宾馆当客房部一位经理的助手。

    As my graduation internship I worked as an assistant to a manager of Room Service Department in White Swan Hotel .

  13. 我们将会对客房部员工进行开夜床服务以及辨别客人需求的培训。

    We will provide further training to our Housekeeping associates regarding turndown service training as well as prioritizing guest 's needs .

  14. 制定宾馆餐饮部和客房部的销售计划,并监督每月的销售业绩;

    Making the sales programs for the restaurant and guest room in the hotel ; and supervising the monthly sales results ;

  15. 制服房下班而制服又需要时,应与客房部的主管联系。

    If the Uniform Room is closed and a uniform is required , the shift Supervisor of Housekeeping should be contacted .

  16. 酒店管理具体专业实习内容涉及到酒店前厅部、客房部、餐饮部、工程部、营销部、康乐部等多个部门。

    Hotel Management Internship specific content related to hotel front office , housekeeping , catering , engineering , marketing , recreation and other departments .

  17. 客房部确保为客人准备好房间,同时会计部会记录客人的费用。

    The housekeeping department ensures that the customer finds the room ready , and the accountants keep a record of the customer 's payments .

  18. 一些雇佣一名庭园布置园艺工或建筑师和场地负责人一起工作,就像室内装饰工和客房部经理一起工作一样。

    A few hotels employ a landscape gardener or architect , who works with the head groundskeeper as the interior decorator works with the housekeeper .

  19. 前台必须要为到达的客人忙活一阵子,客房部必须保证所需的客房都准备好了。

    The front desk must prepare for a surge of arriving guests , and the housekeeping department must make sure the rooms are ready when needed .

  20. 在客房部各作业分析后可知,客房部的作业库可划分为预定、确认预定、安排入住、整理客房、退房服务。

    After analysis we know , activity in housekeeping department can be divided as scheduled , confirmed reservation , check-in , sorting arrange rooms , check-out service .

  21. 如果任何房间需要立即清洁,立即通知客房部整理房间,客房部员工在任何需要时为其编号。

    To liase closely with Housekeeping Department on any new made up rooms and to page for the Housekeeper whenever necessary if any rooms need to be cleaned immediately .

  22. 如为误报或是火灾在初期就已被扑灭,当班管家应马上通知相关客房部主管保持原有工作状态。

    In the event of a false alarm or if the fire has been put out at its early stage , inform relevant Housekeeping shift leader to resume normal working .

  23. 请注意,为了简单,我并没有考虑整个工作流,正如简介中所述,只是从酒店前台到客房部和会计部。

    Note that for the sake of simplicity , I am not considering the complete workflow , mentioned in the introduction , from the hotel 's front desk to the housekeeping department and accountants .

  24. 请您把钥匙交给我,我可以叫客房部的保安员代劳。或者我也可以给总服务台打电话,请他们按照您登记的姓名去核对房号。

    Please give me the key and I can ask the house detective to do that , or I can phone the main desk and they can also check your room number by your name .

  25. 内部营销在图书馆人力资源管理中的运用公司内设综合部、营销部、财务部、总务部、保安部、餐饮部、客房部等管理服务部门。

    Internal Marketing in the Library of Human Resources Management Companies within the General Department , the Marketing Department , the Finance Department , the General Department of the Ministry of Security , Ministry of Food , Rooms Ministry of management services .

  26. W:客房服务部,下午好!

    W : Room service , good afternoon .

  27. 我是客房服务部的服务员。好。请接房间服务部好吗?

    Right . Would you give me room service , please ?

  28. 客房服务部,能为您效劳吗?

    Room service , what can I do for you ?

  29. 客房预订部可以为你效劳吗?

    Would you like to make a guaranteed reservation by credit card ?

  30. 客房服务部吗?能送一条毛巾来吗?

    Room Service ? Can you send up a towel ?