
kè jū
  • live abroad;reside as a visitor
客居 [kè jū]
  • [reside as a visitor] 在外地居住;旅居

  • 客居成都十年

客居[kè jū]
  1. 他告诉我,大批客居海外的印度人回到印度,他们深知印度拥有无限的机遇。

    Indians are coming home in hordes , he told me , because they sense the opportunity in india .

  2. 爱德华•斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)抨击他目前客居的国家,他批评克里姆林宫的人权记录,并暗指俄罗斯与近期两起针对美国政府的重大黑客攻击事件有瓜葛。

    Edward Snowden has rounded on his hosts , attacking the Kremlin 's human rights record and implicating Russia in two of the US government 's latest major security hacks .

  3. 客居异乡的瑞士人听了放牧调会引起强烈的思乡之情。

    On hearing it , those Swiss living abroad will feel homesick .

  4. 客居他乡并不总是一件令人愉快的事。

    Living in a strange land is not always a pleasant thing .

  5. 选择客居,可以说是一种对故土的不忠行为。

    To choose foreignness is an act of disloyalty to one 's native country .

  6. 然而事情并非都那么糟糕。客居生活本身便带有刺激色彩。

    Even so , all other things being equal , foreignness is intrinsically stimulating .

  7. 现在是一个人客居在外,经常会想起一些事,属于未来的事。

    Now is the guest of a person outside , often think of something belonging to the next thing .

  8. 玛丽乐意目前以牧师住宅为家,亨利同样愿意继续客居下去。

    Mary was satisfied with the Parsonage as a present home , and Henry equally ready to lengthen his visit .

  9. 那时,我和苏立文小姐正在宾夕法尼亚州的霍尔顿,当时我们客居在威廉·韦德先生家。

    Miss Sullivan and I were at that time in Hulton , Pennsylvania , visiting the family of Mr. William Wade .

  10. 从总体上看,外迁移民普遍存在“客居心态”,而“主人翁心态”则显得较为薄弱。

    Generally , it is a common phenomenon that resettiers regard themselves as guests in the new inhabiting place instead of masters .

  11. 所有老外都具有好奇心。这让他们成为业余的人类学者。他们以友好之心,想了解客居国家的新鲜社交礼节。

    Every foreigner of inquiring mind becomes a part-time anthropologist , wondering and smiling at the new social rituals of his adoptive country .

  12. 短短四天,客居的感觉那么强烈&在没有母亲的故乡,我没有家。

    During the brief four days , the feeling of sojourn was so strong & homeland without mother , I have no home .

  13. 约翰·勒奇特是一位来自澳大利亚的社会学教授。他将客居的特点描述为“一种逃离平凡无聊日常生活的状态”。

    John Lechte , an Australian professor of social theory , characterises foreignness as " an escape from the boredom and banality of the everyday " .

  14. 用这个价值1.6亿的体育馆,取代喷气机队客居过了超过1/4世纪的超完美的巨人体育馆。

    The stadium , which cost $ 1.6 billion , replaces the perfectly fine Giants Stadium where the Jets were tenants for more than a quarter of a century .

  15. 医学汉语教育是医学专业留学生教育的基础性环节,是留学生客居中国、学习医学的重要工具。

    Medical Chinese instruction is the fundamental element of the education for medical-majored foreign students , which for them is also an important tool of medical study and living in China .

  16. 那时候客居异乡的人们在这里建立起这种以家族、地域为纽带的民间组织,以寻求互助和温暖。

    But actually it was a very important organization or community in old time . People , usually were family or location based , bound together and helped with each other .

  17. 山陕会馆是客居异乡的从事商业活动的山陕商人们集资修建的以商业、庙宇、民居功能为主的建筑。

    Shan Shan Hall is a guest in a foreign land engaged in commercial activities Shanshan businessmen to raise funds to build the business , temples , houses the main function of the building .

  18. 随后仔细地比较简·奥斯丁在离开汉普郡赴巴斯之前写的小说和她在巴斯客居5年后回到家乡所创作的作品。

    This is followed by a close reading and comparison between the novels Jane Austen wrote before leaving Hampshire for Bath and those after she came back to her native country following a 5-year stay in that bourgeois town .