
  1. 客家的风俗习惯也往往成为他小说的重要背景和情节的组成部分。

    His many novels make the social customs and habits of Hakkas become background and organize the story plot .

  2. 客家民俗体育与客家民间风俗习惯关系密切,是一种世代传承和延续的体育文化形态,具有集体性、传承性和模式性特点。2、走古事活动具有明显的民族性和地域性特征。

    Hakka folk sports is closely related with Hakka folk customs , and it is a continuation of the sports ' culture forms , with integrity , heredity and pattern nature . 2 、" Zou gu shi " activities has obvious national and regional characteristics .