
yǎn fú
  • the good fortune of seeing sth. rare or beautiful;the good for tune of seeing sth. rare or beautiful
眼福 [yǎn fú]
  • [the good for tune of seeing sth. rare or beautiful] 看到珍奇或美好的事物的福分

眼福[yǎn fú]
  1. 但愿我有时间一饱眼福。

    I hope I have time to see them all .

  2. 我将可以一饱眼福了。

    We 'll have a good chance to feast my eyes .

  3. 成语猜猜看今天可真是大饱了眼福。

    The visit today was a real feast for my eyes .

  4. 来观赏一下这一美景以饱眼福。

    Come and feast your eyes on this beautiful view .

  5. 在西湖漫步能让你一饱眼福。

    A walk around the West Lake is feast for the eyes .

  6. 在基茨比厄尔散散步能够使你一饱眼福。

    A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for eyes .

  7. 这为两位男裁判带来巨大的“眼福”。

    This brings the two male referees great utility .

  8. 大清早头一宗就饱了眼福。

    Pleasant to see first thing in the morning .

  9. 这下儿我可以一饱眼福了。

    Now I can feast with my eyes .

  10. 那风景令我一饱眼福。

    I feasted my eyes on the scenery .

  11. 我可真享了眼福。

    That 's a feast for my eyes .

  12. 我从没见过,期待着一饱眼福。

    I have never seen one and I was waiting to satisfy my eyes .

  13. 好现象,至少你还对饱眼福有兴趣。

    That 's good . I 'm glad to see you 're still looking .

  14. 而那些生活在四季不分明地区的人就没有这一年一度的眼福了。

    Meanwhile , those stuck in season-less regions are deprived of this annual treat .

  15. 你看看这钻石一饱眼福吧。

    Feast your eyes on this diamond .

  16. 否则,纵然你周游了世界,享尽了眼福,但是你会依旧感到孤独。

    Otherwise even though you went everywhere and saw everything , you are still lonely .

  17. 我正在减肥,所以只能到那些面包房去饱饱眼福。

    I stopped to feast my eyes on the cakes because I 'm on diet .

  18. 能看到郑板桥的真迹我们太有眼福了。

    We are so lucky to be able to see an authentic work of his .

  19. 他的表演使他们一饱眼福。

    He delighted them with his performance .

  20. 仅仅知道它们的存在就行了呢还是进去一饱眼福?

    Are we okay just knowing they exist or do we go into them and enjoy them ?

  21. 精美的设计不仅可以让你一饱眼福而且激起你对美食的胃口。

    It will satisfy your eye for fine design as well as your appetite for fine food .

  22. 如果你对黄小鸭还是饶有兴趣的话,这些栩栩如生的鸭甜品会让你一饱眼福和口福。

    If you want something to sink your teeth into , these vivid duckling desserts will do .

  23. 先生您饱饱眼福吧今晚的预告片哦

    So , take a good look at them , mister . A little preview of tonight .

  24. 这里罗列了许多不同的设计的限量玩具,让你一饱眼福。

    Here lists a number of different designs of limited deition toys , Let 's eyes to be enjoyed .

  25. 2016年即将上映的电影都是鸿篇巨制,众多佳片能让你一饱眼福。

    Movies in 2016 are going to be huge and there 's going to be a lot of them .

  26. 在梦想见到巴台农神庙的人中,多数都有机会一饱眼福,这是公平合理的,也是一件好事。

    It is just and good that most of the people who dream of seeing the Parthenon should have a chance to do so .

  27. 最小的一个尤其因为美貌而远近闻名,邻国的人们成群结队地拥来,以求一饱眼福。

    The youngest was especially famed for her beauty , so much so that strangers from neighboring countries came in crowds to enjoy the sight .

  28. 大清早头一宗就饱了眼福。正宗矿泉水,滴滴清泉,自然本色。

    Pleasant to see first thing in the morning . authentic mineral water is made solely of clear spring water and has a natural colour .

  29. 在基茨比厄尔散步会使你一饱眼福&这里有着古老的乡村文化和国际旅游地的激情,两者生动地结合在一起。

    A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for the eyes & a lively mix old culture and the excitement of an international tourist area .

  30. 看来实在是神奇,实在是眼福!我怎样才能把我心中所有的新奇感觉告诉康塞尔呢!怎样才能跟他一齐发出赞叹呢!

    If only I had been able to share with Conseil the intense sensations rising in my brain , competing with him in exclamations of wonderment !